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[參考照片 only, 不是真正實物] Kohleria Bermuda Red x warszewiczii (courtesy of 采瑤媽)

熱度 2上傳於 2013-3-9 21:51 (23.5 KB)

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回復 newbie 2013-3-10 21:31
wow vvvvvvvvvvvery NICE AH !!!!!!
回復 newbie 2013-3-10 21:32
請問有無得排隊 hehee :)
回復 nsacheng 2013-3-11 16:19
newbie: 請問有無得排隊 hehee :)
again only small seedling, have to be patience, will share with you when I can successfully propagate it :D
回復 tsoiyiu1009 2013-3-11 19:08
回復 nsacheng 2013-3-11 22:57
thank you 采瑤媽 !
回復 newbie 2013-3-12 01:47
nsacheng: again only small seedling, have to be patience, will share with you when I can successfully propagate it :D
oooiciccc heheeee .. waiting waiting ^^
回復 newbie 2013-3-12 01:53
咁LEE張圖又係乜野貓, 好多 yellow, so pretty ah :) hehee ^^
回復 nsacheng 2013-3-12 07:18
newbie: 咁LEE張圖又係乜野貓, 好多 yellow, so pretty ah :) hehee ^^
我都係呢個site 睇到!http://www.gesneriasterna.se/ger/foto.php?start=KA

Kohleria 'Bermuda Red' x warszewiczii

但係呢款係混血兒,可能d gene唔係好穩定,上網search 同名都會見到貓様有d唔同!
回復 newbie 2013-3-12 16:38
nsacheng: 我都係呢個site 睇到!http://www.gesneriasterna.se/ger/foto.php?start=KA

Kohleria 'Bermuda Red' x warszewiczii
http://www.gesneriasterna.se/bilder/koh ...
understand ^^
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