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剛開花,但又係種左成年都唔知佢叫咩名 知咩名啦,原來係"雀尾花",都幾貼切喎

熱度 1上傳於 2012-6-24 18:05 (1.33 MB)

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回復 newbie 2012-6-24 18:06
nice ah !!!
回復 newbie 2012-6-24 18:08
i help u to ask billy ^^ any seed for this fafa pls ? :)
回復 milk_b 2012-6-24 18:32
newbie: i help u to ask billy ^^ any seed for this fafa pls ? :)
我岩岩琴日採左D,但我唔知係咪種子,我仲諗住試下種唔種到tim,我POST 比你SEE SEE係咪SEED
回復 newbie 2012-6-24 19:36
milk_b: THX AR  
我岩岩琴日採左D,但我唔知係咪種子,我仲諗住試下種唔種到tim,我POST 比你SEE SEE係咪SEED
因為我剛學種花,所以唔太識 ...
since the seeds so fresh , try try la hehe :) may i know how big is the plant pls ?
回復 milk_b 2012-6-24 19:54
佢大約30CM 左右
回復 newbie 2012-6-25 13:42
milk_b: 佢大約30CM 左右
icic .. thanks :)
some info :

回復 milk_b 2012-6-25 13:46
回復 newbie 2012-6-25 17:07
milk_b: thx!!!
u need click the '回復" on right hand side , otherwise i dont know u've replied ..... unless i 'come' to this photo again hehehe ^^
回復 milk_b 2012-6-25 17:16
newbie: u need click the '回復" on right hand side , otherwise i dont know u've replied ..... unless i 'come' to this photo again hehehe ^^
ic....okok,唔好意思,我想問你知唔知點解我棵玫瑰d 葉變黃,同桱有d 黑,我係咪要剪曬去??thx
回復 newbie 2012-6-26 18:58
milk_b: ic....okok,唔好意思,我想問你知唔知點解我棵玫瑰d 葉變黃,同桱有d 黑,我係咪要剪曬去??thx
hehee ... re roses, some expert here, u post the photo la
leaves yellow maybe its old but if stem black then NO GOOD, quick post and ask la @@
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