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熱度 6上傳於 2009-11-9 10:38 (36.9 KB)

發表評論 評論

回復 newbie 2009-11-9 13:18
because u so slim.. i so fat hehee
回復 Evalam 2009-11-9 14:06
newbie: because u so slim.. i so fat hehee
回復 newbie 2009-11-9 17:25
Evalam: 原本靚好多喎
give more sun light .. and water ^^
回復 Evalam 2009-11-10 09:21
newbie: give more sun light .. and water ^^
回復 newbie 2009-11-10 10:37
Evalam: 下面d花全部都係咁
give them some more time la.. and change bigger pot.. dont worry.. this fa fa very easy to grow
回復 Evalam 2009-11-10 10:39
newbie: give them some more time la.. and change bigger pot.. dont worry.. this fa fa very easy to grow
回復 newbie 2009-11-10 10:45
Evalam: 等我睇下有無大盆...細盆我就有好多
hehehee 1 oz +++++++++++++++++++ ^^ kakaaa
回復 Evalam 2009-11-10 10:50
newbie: hehehee 1 oz +++++++++++++++++++ ^^ kakaaa
1 oz我又買咗200隻
回復 newbie 2009-11-10 10:55
Evalam: 1 oz我又買咗200隻
wow 200 pcs !! kakakaaaaa .. oh my dear.. u didnt make hole at the bottom ??? better make it .. .u know how to do? very easy ^^
回復 Evalam 2009-11-10 11:02
newbie: wow 200 pcs !! kakakaaaaa .. oh my dear.. u didnt make hole at the bottom ??? better make it .. .u know how to do? very easy ^^
我試過cut hole..好難
回復 newbie 2009-11-10 11:07
Evalam: 我試過cut hole..好難
not cut !! use some way hehee .. let me tell u la
but tell u in phone.. difficult to type here ^^
回復 Evalam 2009-11-10 11:08
newbie: not cut !! use some way hehee .. let me tell u la
but tell u in phone.. difficult to type here ^^
回復 mandywowo 2009-12-4 15:53
回復 mandywowo 2009-12-4 15:54
Evalam: 1 oz我又買咗200隻
回復 Evalam 2009-12-4 16:13
mandywowo: 我棵仲未開
回復 Evalam 2009-12-4 16:14
mandywowo: 用黎制毒呀
回復 mandywowo 2009-12-4 16:33
Evalam: 咁奇怪...我開咗好多好多好多好多好多好多好多好多好多朵
回復 mandywowo 2009-12-4 16:34
Evalam: 依家總共600隻
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