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上傳於 2009-8-8 18:31 (48.9 KB)

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回復 newbie 2009-8-15 15:00
is it the soil over dried hahahaaa.. sry my bad.. always ask u less water
回復 Evalam 2009-8-15 15:08
newbie: is it the soil over dried hahahaaa.. sry my bad.. always ask u less water
回復 newbie 2009-8-15 15:17
Evalam: 我依家唔敢淋水
give some la.. too hot now.. soil dry very quick...
thats why we need day day sweet talk with flower.. otherwise u dont know what they want
回復 Evalam 2009-8-15 15:32
newbie: give some la.. too hot now.. soil dry very quick...
thats why we need day day sweet talk with flower.. otherwise u dont know what they want
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