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yeahyeah 2013-1-29 16:38
sorry, 嗰日吾得閒, 下次再約過
yeahyeah 2013-1-21 21:53
ylee: Happy Birthday! 日日笑口常開,身體健康
newbie 2013-1-15 17:44
this is the one i am talking about la :)
yeahyeah 2012-11-21 16:35
你個黃薑論文好PRO呀, 一頭烟中
cara 2012-11-4 20:09
ylee: 要星期六日先得,24/11 whole day 都唔得^_^
cara 2012-11-3 23:21
ylee: 秋高氣爽,快d 攪行山啦....^_^
newbie 2012-9-11 02:32
ylee: Good to hear that :)
newbie 2012-9-4 22:26
ylee: How's the work today? smooth? add oil :)
yes yes so far so good but really sooooooo busy @@ but time flies very quick @ office, thats good haha :) thanks for yr care, sister  
蕙蕙 2012-8-13 17:55
兩日冇上黎啦, miss 左你個birthday添, 補祝你身體健康, always be happy!!
DORA 2012-8-11 00:00
Happy birthday!
ylee 2012-7-24 21:12
newbie 2012-7-24 16:20
ylee: 去大陸
and enjoy la !!
newbie 2012-7-24 16:20
ylee: 去大陸
ic ... so hot now .. 小心呀 ~~
newbie 2012-7-23 18:51
ylee: good.      Will have a short trip in coming Aug   
great .. go where ah ? happy la !!
newbie 2012-7-23 16:57
ylee: U'Re back Ha Ha
heheee .. these few days busy at this and that . and coming 2 weeks busy at volunteer work :) but i love it ^^
DeNel 2012-7-13 13:14
ylee: you got so many beautiful fa fa
    thank you ar. your fa fa very pretty too la.
newbie 2012-7-6 11:46
ylee: Happy Happy Birthday   
thank you so much sister    
newbie 2012-7-3 05:29
newbie 2012-6-21 13:54
ylee: I have invited Catharine but no reply   
ooh catherine ... ic ^^
newbie 2012-6-21 13:53
ylee: you call call her
call call who ?? noel or eva or ????


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