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ylee的個人空間 https://hkplants.com/?7064 [收藏] [複製] [分享] [RSS]


Ljubljana, Slovenia

熱度 8已有 638 次閱讀2011-6-27 14:31

趁未開會,upload d photos 先.
係paris 等了6粒鐘,結果係搭超小型的flight,3個位一行,重可以見到個pilot rm.
到了ljubljana,hotel rm is so big and has a upright bike in the rm,一粒鐘遊走的photos 

發表評論 評論 (16 個評論)

回復 cookie20002005 2011-6-27 14:39
回復 ylee 2011-6-27 19:26
cookie20002005: 好靚呀,你會係度留幾耐呀
actually, it is not very beautiful la. stay here for a week :)
回復 Poppylily 2011-6-28 00:30
回復 newbie 2011-6-28 11:08
wow very nice blue sky !!
回復 N-Blythe 2011-6-28 12:39
Nice pictures, thx for sharing
回復 ylee 2011-6-28 13:00
newbie: wow very nice blue sky !!
Yes, the weather here is so good! Blue sky and fresh air, people are very relax here. Also have tasty ICE-cream :P
回復 newbie 2011-6-28 14:00
ylee: Yes, the weather here is so good! Blue sky and fresh air, people are very relax here. Also have tasty ICE-cream :P
wowowow iceeeeeeee cream !!!!  
回復 cara 2011-6-28 22:49
回復 ylee 2011-6-29 00:59
cara: 好羨慕啊
CARA 大大,你走遍名山大川唔駛羨慕啊
回復 cara 2011-6-29 08:28
ylee: CARA 大大,你走遍名山大川唔駛羨慕啊
回復 theOne 2011-6-29 11:15
回復 staplefordgem 2011-7-5 03:15
    nice place
回復 ylee 2011-7-5 11:43
staplefordgem:      nice place
yes, nice place a small city with lots of beautiful buildings :)
回復 WAH 2011-7-5 11:44
回復 ylee 2011-7-5 11:46
WAH: 好舒服既感覺,,,,逗留多點時間嘛
no la need to come back and work hard with an international conference :P
回復 WAH 2011-7-5 12:01
ylee: no la need to come back and work hard with an international conference :P

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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