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ylee的個人空間 https://hkplants.com/?7064 [收藏] [複製] [分享] [RSS]



熱度 2已有 560 次閱讀2013-1-15 22:24

今日NEWBIEW 來探我,重帶了好多花貓來呢度只係一部份,重有好多苗仔,無影多謝哂

發表評論 評論 (8 個評論)

回復 newbie 2013-1-16 10:38
wowoww very neat and tidy now ... nice place to live ^^ D BABIES 要快高長大啦, 快D開花開花開花    add oil BB     ylee, for those big enough, u can add some FAT then soon can have fa fa la :)
回復 newbie 2013-1-16 10:45
d u cut the top for 橘子貓 and replant ah ? :)
回復 newbie 2013-1-16 10:59
請大家都為 ylee 咁多仔仔女女 打氣啦, thank you ^^
回復 ylee 2013-1-16 11:00
newbie: d u cut the top for 橘子貓 and replant ah ? :)
yes ah
回復 newbie 2013-1-16 11:01
ylee: yes ah
icic .. any 虫虫 ah ? :)
回復 ylee 2013-1-16 11:06
only cut the top
回復 newbie 2013-1-16 12:28
ylee: only cut the top
咁 bottom 呢? 
回復 蕙蕙 2013-1-21 16:37
你就好啦, 收到newbie咁多貓貓, 加油呀!

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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