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C1B (1)

熱度 5上傳於 2012-4-25 13:55 (112 KB)

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回復 eve3313 2012-4-25 14:13
   爆花la! 好靚呀! 請問佢叫做什麼名堂呀?
回復 SSCP 2012-4-25 14:47
回復 DORA 2012-4-25 15:10
回復 cara 2012-4-25 16:05
回復 ylee 2012-4-26 09:54
Do you want some?
回復 cara 2012-4-26 21:41
ylee: Do you want some?
回復 newbie 2012-6-2 00:22
fafa 我等你呀 !!
回復 newbie 2012-6-2 00:23
eve3313:    爆花la! 好靚呀! 請問佢叫做什麼名堂呀?
seems is K vanilla sky :)
回復 eve3313 2012-6-2 10:12
newbie: seems is K vanilla sky :)
IC, 我棵葉都浸爛咗lu! 玩完 !  
回復 newbie 2012-6-2 20:17
eve3313: IC, 我棵葉都浸爛咗lu! 玩完 !   
aiyo :( yrs from ylee too ?
回復 eve3313 2012-6-3 01:51
newbie: aiyo :( yrs from ylee too ?
No, the leaf was shared fm other flower mate. I like the color and this K. is quite same as 11's Nagging Macaws.
回復 newbie 2012-6-3 05:17
eve3313: No, the leaf was shared fm other flower mate. I like the color and this K. is quite same as 11's Nagging Macaws.
ooh icic ....  
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