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facelist doodle塗鴉板

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newbie 2011-5-30 22:24
modo 2011-5-28 11:25
thks in advance  
花草之家 2011-5-28 11:11
modo: Hilo if 年尾出售綠玉, can you pm me?
alextang 2011-5-27 00:19
modo: hilo
may i pick up at YL MTR this week? 羅漢果實生苗1棵
EddieOR 2011-5-25 02:14
modo: hi
wht is yr hsbc a/c that i should be bank in?
已經 PM 給你,請檢查。
GP01-Fb 2011-5-14 10:29
modo: hihi
may i arrange a couier to pay you and money and pick up on next Monday? as i want to order No. 8. Oxalis stenorrhyncha  (how many bulb @? please  ...
Hi, I think you have sent a wrong message. I am not selling anything at this moment.
modo 2011-4-29 11:37
thank you so much 100% sunshine right, but today hard to do so
newbie 2011-4-29 03:06
無根的枝條係lee 隻花, 種定後, 要勁晒 :)
月光光 2009-10-21 08:57
modo: hihi
my flower opened but suprise for me, it open at the moring but gone in afternoon.  how about yours? and when should I take a seeds can you help m
yes,this floweris in the morning,will enter  at noon
月光光 2009-7-18 12:04
modo: 您好呀洛神花苗己有24cm高, arm arm 落咗地種但帕打風吹斷好騖啊.


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