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I have not told my daughter about the news yet. She must be devastated hearing the news.
  • sandyhf: this is soooo sad. hope you're well. (2-29 18:53)
2012-2-29 12:43 回復|
I received a phone call from SPCA early this morning only to get the message. They didn't know the reason why he couldn't make it.
2012-2-29 12:40 回復|
SPCA called me yesterday and suggested a blood transfusion is needed to improve puppy's health condition, so we agreed.
2012-2-29 12:36 回復|
Sorry Sandy, the puppy has passed away this morning at SPCA Clinic. We took him to the clinic on Monday to consult the Vet and she suggested to admit the puppy to the Clinic for observation.
2012-2-29 12:34 回復|
2011-12-24 23:02 回復|
sandyhf friend,thx ,I'm not being sad now!
2011-12-24 22:02 回復|
2011-11-26 15:06 回復|
  • sandyhf: 完之後耍   all.一瓜死一瓜鳴......希望在明天all   (11-27 10:40)
2011-11-26 15:05 回復|


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