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上傳於 2009-6-4 14:19 (25.5 KB)

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回復 WAH 2009-6-6 17:27
newbie: yes juna showed me the flower photo, thats why i want lor hehehee
i dont like just leaves
回復 newbie 2009-6-6 17:27
WAH: 咁你要種好耐先有花喎...到時唔好要花唔要葉喎#要仔唔要亞媽
hmmmmmmmmm. hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
回復 WAH 2009-6-6 17:28
newbie: if he dont give me.. then he give u .. u grow grow to many many and U give me la honey, ok ^^
回復 WAH 2009-6-6 17:28
newbie: hmmmmmmmmm. hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
回復 newbie 2009-6-6 17:34
WAH: 樹旦佢la....
hahhaa hahahahaa 有人
回復 WAH 2009-6-6 17:35
newbie: hahhaa hahahahaa 有人
回復 newbie 2009-6-6 17:37
WAH: 關我乜事
u want too ma.. hahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
講笑呀 !!
回復 WAH 2009-6-6 17:37
newbie: u want too ma.. hahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
講笑呀 !!
回復 webalex 2009-6-6 18:02
newbie: i want this baby toooooooooooooo heheheeeeeeeee
u r 2 late,keep u in the waiting list la.
回復 newbie 2009-6-6 18:05
webalex: u r 2 late,keep u in the waiting list la.
wait ng wait 好 ...... 變做長頸鹿
回復 webalex 2009-6-6 18:17
newbie: wait ng wait 好 ...... 變做長頸鹿
回復 newbie 2009-6-6 20:19
webalex: 好野係要等下架.
oh......... oh.......................... oh.....................................
回復 webalex 2009-6-6 21:30
newbie: oh......... oh.......................... oh.....................................
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