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上傳於 2009-5-20 09:23 (58.5 KB)

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回復 newbie 2009-5-20 10:50
3 similar photos give me 3 different feeling
回復 newbie 2009-5-20 10:53
this one 機會
回復 webalex 2009-5-20 10:55
newbie: 3 similar photos give me 3 different feeling
回復 newbie 2009-5-20 10:57
webalex: 果然係藝術家
well, u post 3 ”different - similar” photos, dont u have 三個唔同意思?
回復 newbie 2009-5-20 10:59
webalex: 果然係藝術家
回復 webalex 2009-5-20 11:04
newbie: 我想影白色花花,但好難影得清...
如果無colour contrast ,好難 auto focus 架.
回復 webalex 2009-5-20 11:06
newbie: well, u post 3 ”different - similar” photos, dont u have 三個唔同意思?
no la , 最高境界-----覺得好睇就得.
回復 newbie 2009-5-20 11:06
webalex: 如果無colour contrast ,好難 auto focus 架.
點算.... :(
回復 webalex 2009-5-20 11:20
用AE LOCK 啦,試下對住同距離既野按一半快門,hold 住再對留住白矇矇既花先影
回復 newbie 2009-5-20 11:23
webalex: 用AE LOCK 啦,試下對住同距離既野按一半快門,hold 住再對留住白矇矇既花先影
都無野同白花花同一level.. :(
回復 webalex 2009-5-20 11:25
newbie: 都無野同白花花同一level.. :(
回復 newbie 2009-5-20 11:27
webalex: 膠間尺啦
oh then need to move away ??
回復 webalex 2009-5-20 11:31
newbie: oh then need to move away ??
sure la
回復 newbie 2009-5-20 11:34
webalex: 膠間尺啦
單手好難hold the camera and press the buttom....
回復 webalex 2009-5-20 11:42
newbie: 單手好難hold the camera and press the buttom....
咁啦,你用一張格仔紙放係花花度,focus 左再攞開啦.
回復 newbie 2009-5-20 11:43
webalex: 咁啦,你用一張格仔紙放係花花度,focus 左再攞開啦.
i need one hand to hold the paper.. only one hand hold camera.. too heavy ah...
回復 newbie 2009-5-20 11:44
webalex: 咁啦,你用一張格仔紙放係花花度,focus 左再攞開啦.
回復 webalex 2009-5-20 11:45
newbie: i need one hand to hold the paper.. only one hand hold camera.. too heavy ah...
ixus ....   too .... heavy ....
回復 webalex 2009-5-20 11:45
newbie: 無心機,唔影住啦 
回復 newbie 2009-5-20 11:46
webalex: ixus ....   too .... heavy ....
u think its heavy too ??
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