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Arnold的個人空間 https://hkplants.com/?5720 [收藏] [複製] [分享] [RSS]


facelist doodle塗鴉板

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Carian 2009-4-4 23:02
Carian 2009-3-30 15:16
Arnold: where di you get all these smileys???

Carian 2009-3-24 11:28
Carian 2009-3-13 14:26
Carian 2009-3-7 19:44
Carian 2009-3-3 19:01
Arnold: finally able to do this... and the cost is this...
Carian 2009-3-3 00:44
Carian 2009-3-2 23:09
Arnold: ... and failed again
u forgot the "/"...
polaris 2009-3-2 22:53
Arnold: what the... failed!
Please don't leave any space ~~  
polaris 2009-3-2 22:52
Arnold: what the... failed!
I am waiting...send a message again
polaris 2009-3-2 22:48
Arnold: thank you!  you are obviously more popular than carian! [img] http://www.msn-smiley.net/upload/images/132/1234591399130.gif
You should say i am "crazier" than carian...
polaris 2009-3-2 22:47
Try again...
polaris 2009-3-2 22:46
Arnold: what the... failed!
You have forgotten to add this at the end of the URL address ~~ [/img]
polaris 2009-3-1 21:55
1) Right click on the smiley you have chosen
2) Go to properties
3) Copy the URL address
4) Go back to message board
5) key in [img],paste the URL address after you type .
polaris 2009-3-1 21:53
Keep on trying, you will manage to upload the smiley...
Carian 2009-2-28 18:11
Carian 2009-2-28 01:39
Carian 2009-2-28 01:25
Carian 2009-2-27 17:46
polaris 2009-2-26 17:23


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