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Happy Valentine's Day

上傳於 2009-2-9 16:48 (58.1 KB)

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回復 Carian 2009-2-10 12:14
very nice!
回復 polaris 2009-2-10 15:38
Carian: very nice!
Cute Valentine's Day present, isn't it ?
回復 Carian 2009-2-10 16:45
polaris: Cute Valentine's Day present, isn't it ?
Ya lor, i got no valentine pressie...
回復 polaris 2009-2-10 16:59
Carian: Ya lor, i got no valentine pressie...
I will send you one lor...
回復 Carian 2009-2-10 17:06
polaris: I will send you one lor...
how about a handsome single and available man?
回復 polaris 2009-2-10 17:16
Carian: how about a handsome single and available man?
Mission impossible
回復 Carian 2009-2-10 17:19
polaris: Mission impossible
fine, i'll settle for something better, eg. chocolate pudding then.
回復 polaris 2009-2-10 17:20
Carian: fine, i'll settle for something better, eg. chocolate pudding then.
That's better, or may be peanut cookies or carrot cake...yum yum
回復 Carian 2009-2-10 17:25
fine, i'll collect on easter holiday then.
回復 faith555 2009-2-10 17:28
yes it is very nice
回復 polaris 2009-2-10 17:40
faith555: yes it is very nice
Happy Valentine's Day
回復 faith555 2009-2-10 17:41
polaris: Happy Valentine's Day
you too
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