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polaris的個人空間 https://hkplants.com/?5671 [收藏] [複製] [分享] [RSS]


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上傳於 2009-2-14 15:55 (37 KB)

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回復 Carian 2009-2-14 18:35
so are you going to make your garden nice nice before u post pictures?
回復 polaris 2009-2-14 18:41
Carian: so are you going to make your garden nice nice before u post pictures?
No, just become addicted to flowers after joining hkplants...
回復 Carian 2009-2-14 18:45
polaris: No, just become addicted to flowers after joining hkplants...
apparently, from what i learnt from hkplants, people who love planting does not just stop there, they are experts in cooking too...   every time i see their food, i get so hungry in the office...
回復 polaris 2009-2-14 20:21
Carian: apparently, from what i learnt from hkplants, people who love planting does not just stop there, they are experts in cooking too...  every tim
Good for you...
回復 keung 2009-2-25 23:05
回復 polaris 2009-2-26 13:38
keung: 妳似康乃馨
回復 keung 2009-2-26 18:37
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