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Carian的個人空間 https://hkplants.com/?5644 [收藏] [複製] [分享] [RSS]


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polaris 2009-3-2 22:57
Go and rescue arnold with the smileys... Good night.
Arnold 2009-3-2 22:44
... and failed again
Arnold 2009-3-2 22:44
spent all this time trying to paste a symbol [img] http://www.msn-smiley.net/upload/images/72/1188576408215.gif [img]
martini 2009-3-1 22:26
Carian: wow! you have a beautiful roof garden!
thank you ar....
我都真係好 enjoy 係個天台架...
Arnold 2009-3-1 21:22
damn, tried for 30 minutes to try to upload smiley symbols and can't do it... mei yi si!
polaris 2009-2-28 11:19
Carian: Happy Birthday!

go check out yur pressie on my space...
Wishing you all the
Thank you...
polaris 2009-2-26 17:13
Carian: u should influence them and make them fall in love too mah...
Not easy with Malaysia weather...I am still trying very hard to keep my av alive...too dry and hot..people will give up easily
polaris 2009-2-26 17:06
Carian: you should ask some KL buddies who likes planting to join too...
So far I don't have any friends are really interested in planting as those members in HK...especially fall in love with av...people think I am so crazy with av
polaris 2009-2-26 17:01
Every day spending hours reading the posts...
Arnold 2009-2-16 17:34
after having bought my first AV, 我也中毒了, 嘎嘎
polaris 2009-2-10 19:45
Can you buy me some sinnigias next time when you come home ?
polaris 2009-2-10 19:03
Carian: but getting on this site, meeting new friends n learning new knowledge is nothing to be ashame of, u shud be proud to share it!
Think you have misunderstood me, I actually was busy with my company's annual audit...
polaris 2009-2-10 17:41
Carian: told mom we both addicted to this site and she said no wonder u didnt call her much tthese few days la...
Hahaha....I told her I was busy with my work...you have blown it...gaga...
Carian 2009-2-10 16:45
Arnold 2009-2-10 15:28
because with this random and semi-idiotic name, you would never think it's me
polaris 2009-2-9 21:52
Carian: of course...
But, why he is arnold ? gaga...
polaris 2009-2-9 21:49
Carian: btw, arnold is xiao lao ban... what the.
So, can I add him ?
polaris 2009-2-9 21:41
Just can't stop looking at all those avs...so nice...
Carian 2009-2-8 21:03
Arnold 2009-2-8 20:54

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