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Carian的個人空間 https://hkplants.com/?5644 [收藏] [複製] [分享] [RSS]


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cookie20002005 2011-9-16 13:58
happy birthday
newbie 2011-9-16 00:21
long long time no see .. happy birthday !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
staplefordgem 2010-9-21 18:40
happy mid autumn festival
staplefordgem 2010-9-16 07:57
wishing you a very very happy birthday! 生日快樂!
蕙蕙 2010-9-16 00:30
Happy Birthday!
polaris 2010-3-19 15:32
Carian: oi, flower show is here soon, Mar 19-28, you wanna come visit?
I want to...worth going ?
staplefordgem 2009-9-18 20:47
belated happy birthday
WAH 2009-9-18 15:17
Carian: 哈!同D朋友吃餐飯囉,冇去邊呀... 我家姐好叻好好心地架.
WAH 2009-9-17 16:53
Carian: 多谢!!
WAH 2009-9-16 23:35
Carian 生日快樂
阿晴 2009-9-12 02:18
Carian: 你的石頭花畫畫得非常好,非常漂亮呀,好喜歡喔!!
非常多謝你的欣賞~ 如果你喜歡的話, 我之前放在花草版的幫台灣籌款帖子度, 唔知而家完左未, 不過你都可以考慮下~
polaris 2009-9-11 15:44
Carian: yeah right, with all these flowers...
Most of the flowers are in my office...
polaris 2009-9-11 14:46
Carian: so long havent visited your home, must go to your home when we go home for mooncake...
But not much changes with my home...
newbie 2009-9-10 19:30
介紹個 AV 女郎你識呀 !! :))
polaris 2009-9-10 09:21
Carian: all my flowers suddenly blooming wor...
Good for you...it's autumn...
newbie 2009-6-27 21:26
pls give her energy and pray for her ^^ million thx ^^
polaris 2009-6-22 22:36
Carian: u finally plant things la... gaga
But all stolen by friends...
polaris 2009-6-10 11:58
Carian: oi, go plant some stuff in your farm so i can steal them...
webalex 2009-4-2 16:39
polaris 2009-4-1 18:02
Carian: the picture is to wipe out other posts on your page... hehehe
So cruel...

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