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Baby White C60

熱度 2上傳於 2009-4-2 16:23 (95.8 KB)

發表評論 評論

回復 mimi 2009-4-2 17:00
回復 Carian 2009-4-2 17:00
mimi: 好可愛呀!好靚呀!
回復 polaris 2009-4-2 18:13
I want this pot...
回復 polaris 2009-4-2 18:22
Luckily I am not in Hong Kong, otherwise I am definately broke now...
回復 Carian 2009-4-4 12:41
dordor000: 這個盆我今天也買了...
回復 Carian 2009-4-4 12:43
polaris: I want this pot...
already in suitcase la...
回復 Carian 2009-4-4 12:44
polaris: Luckily I am not in Hong Kong, otherwise I am definately broke now...
wont la, only $10 cheap cheap...
回復 polaris 2009-4-4 12:46
Carian: already in suitcase la...
回復 polaris 2009-4-4 12:46
Carian: already in suitcase la...
Feeling better today ?
回復 Carian 2009-4-4 13:02
polaris: Feeling better today ?
she's still having fever, took her to doctor yesterday, taking medicine and resting at home.
回復 newbie 2009-7-30 14:57
soooooooooooooooooooo beautiful !!!!!!!!!!!!!
回復 milkcat915 2010-7-8 01:00
同個貓貓盆好襯呀!超靚 ~
回復 Carian 2010-7-19 16:22
milkcat915: 同個貓貓盆好襯呀!超靚 ~
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