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eve3313 2013-3-26 09:23
newbie: 30/3 sat 1:30 pm lunch with mandy at prince edward, u free to join pls ?
我近這半年身體都唔多好, 我都係唔出來join你地啦!
Sergio 2013-3-24 22:07
newbie: 30/3 sat 1:30 pm lunch with mandy at prince edward, u free to join pls ?
Thank you for your invitation first!    But I'm not available on that day.  I hope we can meet each other on next gathering.
Sergio 2013-3-24 22:05
newbie: 30/3 sat 1:30 pm lunch with mandy at prince edward, u free to join pls ?
Thank you for our invitation!    Sorry I'm not available on that day!  I hope we can meet each other next time.
fnv234 2013-3-24 18:03
newbie: 30/3 sat 1:30 pm lunch with mandy at prince edward, u free to join pls ?
tsoiyiu1009 2013-3-24 16:40
newbie: wow 16 !!! hope i can have more coming la .. hehe . thanks ^^
did u have all 16 diff fafa ah ?
did u have all 16 diff fafa ah ?> I don't know
tsoiyiu1009 2013-3-24 01:00
newbie: yes .. she is most pretty .. suppose has how many brothers & sisters ga ??
tsoiyiu1009 2013-3-24 00:36
newbie: http://hkplants.com/thread-134053-1-1.html
so far 7 diff ones :)
Martina 2013-2-5 12:08
newbie: thanks a lot for yr help ........ is that something wrong with the question or its not clear @@ .......... @@
It may have somthing wrong or unclear on question, as they said their workweek is from Tue - Sunday, then it means no pay on Monday!  Even Dec31 falls on Monday, no need to provide payable!
Martina 2013-2-4 21:18
regarding your accounting simple question, may I know your worry, see whether I can give you a hand?
yeahyeah 2013-1-22 14:34
newbie: ops ........... belated happy birthday !!!!!!!!!!!!
Juna 2013-1-19 19:13
newbie: heheheeee ... that purple red not my cup of tea .. so i leave space for others lor hehee
Juna 2013-1-18 15:54
厲害, 成盆俾左人, 我又未去到唔想要佢, 所以都有留條蟲仔自己再種
george 2013-1-17 23:44
newbie: happy  birthday ^^
catherineyeung 2013-1-15 18:58
newbie: happppppppppppppppppppy birthday !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

misssssssssssssssss u sooooooooooooooooo much !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
cara 2012-9-30 21:01
staplefordgem 2012-9-15 18:48
newbie: no sry la hehee :)
bennyccm626 2012-9-5 08:00
newbie: happy birthday !!
Thank you ~~

My birthday is 626 ~~
031504 2012-9-5 00:43
newbie: happy birthday !
ylee 2012-9-5 00:01
newbie: yes yes so far so good but really sooooooo busy @@ but time flies very quick @ office, thats good haha :) thanks for yr care, sister   
Good to hear that :)
ylee 2012-9-3 23:00
How's the work today? smooth? add oil :)


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