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newbie的個人空間 https://hkplants.com/?5413 [收藏] [複製] [分享] [RSS]


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ChanKwingYin 2018-5-28 12:19
ChanKwingYin 2018-5-20 22:07
ChanKwingYin 2018-5-19 21:43
ChanKwingYin 2018-5-18 15:42
ChanKwingYin 2018-5-17 09:56
ChanKwingYin 2018-5-17 09:56
ChanKwingYin 2018-5-17 09:56
ChanKwingYin 2018-4-13 15:26
Bingki 2014-11-13 13:11
你好~ 我們想聯絡你們的機構於新年一商場內合辦毛冷回收活動。
詳情請致電2616 2218馮小姐,期待你的來電。謝謝。
wilson11 2014-7-6 05:22
Sergio 2013-8-18 19:56
newbie: ok, hope to see u ^^
Sorry for my late reply.  I can't join your dinner gathering.  Enjoy your dinner and give my blessing to Billy.  Thanks!
nsacheng 2013-8-15 16:36
newbie: hi sister .. we have gathering .. u have time to join us pls? ylee will join too ^^
farewell our dearest BILLY on 19 Aug 2013 MONDAY dinner !! pls joi ...
Sorry for the delay in reply and thanks for your invitation newbie, as just finished exam yesterday!

Oh I have a birthday dinner to attend on Mon 19-Aug, so I am afraid I cannot join this time, looking forward to meet with you and other flower pals next time !
caca8j 2013-8-14 23:13
newbie: 人地家姊唔會有無機會插枝呢 ? :)
caca8j 2013-8-14 21:44
eve3313 2013-8-14 09:32
newbie: farewell our dearest BILLY on 19 Aug 2013 MONDAY dinner !! pls join us !!http://hkplants.com/blog-5413-14391.html
我晚上無空, 唔會JOIN你地啦!
Sergio 2013-8-13 09:29
newbie: farewell our dearest BILLY on 19 Aug 2013 MONDAY dinner !! pls join us !!http://hkplants.com/blog-5413-14391.html
Good morning newbie.  Thank you for your invitation first.  I will confirm you Sat or Sun.   Sorry for any inconvenience.   
土豆貓 2013-8-13 09:09
newbie: farewell our dearest BILLY on 19 Aug 2013 MONDAY dinner !! pls join us !!http://hkplants.com/blog-5413-14391.html
sorry ah 已有約丫果日!
yeahyeah 2013-8-13 08:54
newbie: farewell our dearest BILLY on 19 Aug 2013 MONDAY dinner !! pls join us !!http://hkplants.com/blog-5413-14391.html
抱歉, 當晚有事不能出席呀 , 會另約BILLY仔 , 多謝通知
fafalover 2013-8-10 01:27
newbie: heheehe .. my first video :) hahahaa
花友話睇到暈暈地 …… hehe

fafalover 2013-8-10 01:18
newbie: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jLjyqhbBVEM
belated happy chinese new year hahahaaa
Wa~ D 花花真喺開得好靚~真喺好多朵迎春花呀 Y


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