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花花走天涯 日誌四 之 龜速 生長 ... 點算好 @@

熱度 9已有 1607 次閱讀2011-9-27 11:16 |個人分類:花花 走 天 涯

好多 BB 都發左芽啦 .. 但  龜速 生長 點算好

Billy 的 石竹

Billy 的 花環菊


自家採種子的 Pansy

Billy 的 Ipheion 'Wisley Blue'


另一酢酢, 生得好型

they are 靚女Mandy 的孫仔  Sinn. Fantasy Tau 自家採種子的 babies 加油呀 !!

發表評論 評論 (43 個評論)

回復 Evalam 2011-9-28 09:19
newbie: 一出 babies 要太陽架 :)
噚日我地好好太陽 ...不過今日開始差d
回復 Evalam 2011-9-28 09:20
newbie: 頭兩片 lor hehehee i dont know proper name , so i called it 假葉 hahaha
之後個d 先係 真葉 :) .. oh i think u can place some in soil directly la ..
tho ...
回復 anhiwan 2011-9-28 09:33
newbie: 下 ...  hehehee did u give some BABY fat to them ah ^^
我只係每日望下佢地唔敢搞搞鎮 因為佢地實左太弱小
回復 cookie20002005 2011-9-28 13:12
newbie: thanks thanks.. 我住個 apartment 係入d 條路, 又有大樹 cover,  早晨d陽光晒唔到, 明明見到樓下條街好好太陽, 但就晒唔到入來, 真係哂晒d 太陽光 @@ 我就來想 ...
回復 caca8j 2011-9-28 13:54
newbie: 10 種 定 10 粒先 hahaa
if 10 粒 出 1 .. then I dont have too hahhaaa
add oil la !!! 我有好多仲未發到呀 @@
我見你咁多嘛,咁一齊加油啦,唔係春天無花睇 ><
回復 newbie 2011-9-28 18:00
cookie20002005: 我有時都會帶d龜出去晒太陽架,你都帶bb去啦,
hehee .. ok . if tmr sunny day, then i try la :)
回復 newbie 2011-9-28 18:02
caca8j: 我見你咁多嘛,咁一齊加油啦,唔係春天無花睇 ><
in canada , winter is long ... spring time 有排, 只希望 winter 多d 陽光啦 .. :) 一齊加油
回復 newbie 2011-9-28 18:04
ling511221: 你都好丫,有龜速,我最近播嗰d,芽都未見,冇任何速度可以形容!
ooh .. 黑種草 生得好嗎?  你送我的 seeds 另外都有發左一兩粒 but too small i didnt take photos. lets wait wait and hope they can grow faster la :)
回復 newbie 2011-9-28 18:07
Evalam: 點解你叫佢地假葉呀....
1st 2 leaves are not the 真葉, 同佢地應該生d葉唔同架, 所以 i called them 假 hahahaa... then 3rd and 4th and so on 就生番正常葉 un ng understand ah :)
回復 Juna 2011-9-28 23:46
newbie: 1st 2 leaves are not the 真葉, 同佢地應該生d葉唔同架, 所以 i called them 假 hahahaa... then 3rd and 4th and so on 就生番正常葉 un ng understand ah :) ...
回復 Juna 2011-9-28 23:49
回復 newbie 2011-9-29 09:12
Juna: 種子出的葉叫子葉,一出係兩塊葉的叫雙子葉植物,一塊的叫單子葉植物。
ooh 子葉 .. 子葉, thanks Juna ^^ did u reply to eva too  ? heheee
回復 newbie 2011-9-29 09:13
Juna: 咁似我度唔夠陽光出的苗,唔夠光會生得好差,加油。
thanks juna .. this time i need add light not oil hahhaa ahehehhehee .. lets both add light la ^^
回復 alextang 2011-9-29 10:09
回復 newbie 2011-9-29 10:10
alextang: 努力
thanks and I will but I NEED MR. SUN's HELPPPPPPPPPPPPP  
回復 Juna 2011-9-29 23:54
newbie: thanks juna .. this time i need add light not oil hahhaa ahehehhehee .. lets both add light la ^^
Haha, yes light, not oil  
回復 Juna 2011-9-29 23:55
newbie: ooh 子葉 .. 子葉, thanks Juna ^^ did u reply to eva too  ? heheee
回復 newbie 2011-9-30 06:47
Juna: 講你知就得啦。
hehehe ok .. let me 'teach' eva la kakakkaa
回復 newbie 2011-9-30 06:48
Evalam: 點解你叫佢地假葉呀....
Juna 2011-9-28 23:46


oh should called it 子葉 ah heheheeeeeeee^^
回復 Evalam 2011-9-30 11:58
newbie: 1st 2 leaves are not the 真葉, 同佢地應該生d葉唔同架, 所以 i called them 假 hahahaa... then 3rd and 4th and so on 就生番正常葉 un ng understand ah :) ...

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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