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走前聚一聚 @ aug 27 sat afternoon 好唔好呀 ?

熱度 23已有 4252 次閱讀2011-8-4 10:00

短短幾個月識到好多 新的好朋友 (排名不分先後,另外我的中英文都好水,唔好介意)
有熱情的chau妹(i wont forget how sweet and 香香 the strawberry u gift to me, regret i didnt take a photo but it will always in my heart)
有嬌滴滴的小 CON子
有曾經令我暈暈地 ’我以為真係華仔’ 的靚女SSCP
有sweet sweet 的 DING+大C
有好好傾的peipei (any1 pls teach me how to type that chinese word, up to now i still dont know hahahaha)
有可愛的 omouth (but i feel so hurt u dont want to meet me kakakaaa .. just kidding)
有見左一次咁大把的 poppylily hehee
有成功人士 ylee
有人地的 huni  B哥哥
有最愛puppie的 ohoh
有靚女 caca
有令我 o mouth 的 Hi-Namaste
有種花好叻的 ling ling 敏敏
有小妹妹 fuku
有好新的朋友 eve
有害羞的 miwa
有唔多記得點樣的 modo .. hahhaaa sry 我講真心話, we must meet more la heheheee ^^ but i will bring the seeds u gift to me to canada .. thanks again ^^
有唔記得見過未的 hugopuddle
有好好人送野比的花友 kenneth, strawberry, GMT etc etc ... :) 
opssssssssss forgot 靚仔 wilson11 , 親佢未睇到, 快d加返先 ^^
sorry if i missed any1 .............
of course 仲有一班對我勁好的舊朋友 唔駛講名啦
i will misssssssss u all so much .............
其實我都唔 sure 會唔會 only 2-3 個月返來, 希望唔會啦, 因為如果係的話, 唔會係好事 @@
I've booked air tix leaving HK at Sept 8 la .... so lets meet meet before I leave la
how about 走前聚一聚 @ aug 27 sat afternoon - around 12:30 pm till around 4 pm - 好唔好呀 ?

報名的有 :
1. newbie
-  chau - 聚一聚 左 啦 
3. poppylily
4. evalam
- chowchow - 聚一聚 左 啦 
6. B 女
-  sweetie mandy - - 聚一聚 左 啦 
8. catherine yeung
9. wilson11
10. 蕙蕙
11. billy
12. caca8j
13. 黃太
14. 小 con 子
15. ht333147
16. ylee
17. ohoh
18. ling ling

發表評論 評論 (178 個評論)

回復 適少少 2011-8-5 15:13
newbie: wowowowow 10Q      yeah kakakaaaaaaaaa
i think i must be 傻左啦 .. Kkakaaaaaaaaaaa
did u see my 'signature = new name' kakakaaaaaaaaa
回復 newbie 2011-8-5 15:13
適少少: where   
in main website ... under my post lor @@ heheeeeeeee
回復 適少少 2011-8-5 15:18
newbie: in main website ... under my post lor @@ heheeeeeeee
u mean 霸黃花  
回復 newbie 2011-8-5 15:19
適少少: u mean 霸黃花   
yes heheheeeeeeeee
回復 適少少 2011-8-5 15:22
newbie: yes heheheeeeeeeee
回復 newbie 2011-8-5 15:24
適少少: 我跟你學識咗好多英文呀
ha ........... 唔好 scare me .. my eng level only @@
回復 適少少 2011-8-5 15:27
newbie: ha ........... 唔好 scare me .. my eng level only @@
中文仲識用同音字, 變變變 [ 霸 "黃" 花 ]  
回復 newbie 2011-8-5 15:39
適少少: 中文仲識用同音字, 變變變 [ 霸 "黃" 花 ]   
yes yes yes heehehhheeeeeeeeeeee
回復 Evalam 2011-8-5 17:10
newbie: tho i've eye flowers but still i can see la hahaaaaaaaaa
回復 ohoh 2011-8-5 19:23
Where are  Aug 27 sat afternoon ?
回復 ling511221 2011-8-5 19:25
newbie: so will u be free ah ? i want to meet u too ah ^^
回復 ling511221 2011-8-5 19:28
catherineyeung: 出la
回復 catherineyeung 2011-8-5 19:44
ling511221: 間舖計埋我同老公,都係得三丁友,真係想黎見下你地,而且又咁熱鬧,諗諗計先!
回復 newbie 2011-8-5 20:17
ling511221: 星期六下午要帶亞仔學野!真係想黎嫁!
oooh .............. @@ ... 點好 ?? 學到幾點呀 ??
回復 newbie 2011-8-5 20:23
ling511221: 間舖計埋我同老公,都係得三丁友,真係想黎見下你地,而且又咁熱鬧,諗諗計先!
think think think think then come come come plsssssssssssssssssss  
回復 newbie 2011-8-5 20:24
ohoh: Where are  Aug 27 sat afternoon ?
should be around in prince edward la ^^
回復 ling511221 2011-8-5 20:25
newbie: oooh .............. @@ ... 點好 ?? 學到幾點呀 ??
回復 newbie 2011-8-5 20:29
ling511221: http://hkplants.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=28732&do=album&picid=139210
yes ask 姐姐's help la .. u go with her once as practise hehehe ^^
回復 wilson11 2011-8-6 11:58
嘩, 好多靚女a
回復 newbie 2011-8-6 12:33
wilson11: 嘩, 好多靚女a
你仲未報名 ..想   呀.. 快d say " I DO"

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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