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Sweet talk with fafa during holiday

熱度 2已有 1826 次閱讀2013-5-18 00:10

難得放假同FAFA影下相 sweet talk sweet talk ^^

lazy to type description .. hehee ^^
Kohleria bogotensis

tsoi yiu ma, u see yr grand daughter 幾好生養, 水種都生咁多BB, 勁 ~~ 下邊一路出BB, 上邊一路開花, 叻叻 :)

not sure if $15 or pineapple BBs ^^ add oil la ^^

any one want seeds pls ? soooooooooooooo many !! 

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回復 eve3313 2013-5-20 14:20
第三、四張就是Kohleria bogotensis嗎 ??
回復 newbie 2013-5-21 02:27
eve3313: 第三、四張就是Kohleria bogotensis嗎 ??
the pic above this : tsoi yiu ma, u see yr grand daughter 幾好生養, 水種都生咁多BB, 勁 ~~ 下邊一路出BB, 上邊一路開花, 叻叻 :)
回復 newbie 2013-5-21 02:28
eve3313: 第三、四張就是Kohleria bogotensis嗎 ??
this one :)
回復 newbie 2013-5-21 23:46
eve3313: 第三、四張就是Kohleria bogotensis嗎 ??
hi sister.. do u still have love flower BBs for sharing pls ?? mine RIP :( juna gift me some seeds but dont know why no BB coming out .....T_T
回復 eve3313 2013-5-22 11:40
I have not planted it any more but I maybe can find a few love flower babies to u.  Let  me check and inform you later!  
回復 newbie 2013-5-22 14:12
eve3313: I have not planted it any more but I maybe can find a few love flower babies to u.  Let  me check and inform you later!   
oh why u dont like them anymore ????? ..... actually juna sent some seeds to ylee, if its too trouble for u, u no need find la hehe thanks thanks
回復 eve3313 2013-5-22 14:18
Actually, I am no need to plant them as they wl find the appropriate place to grow.  Let me check other pots if I can see their tracks.
回復 newbie 2013-5-22 17:50
eve3313: Actually, I am no need to plant them as they wl find the appropriate place to grow.  Let me check other pots if I can see their tracks.
thanks sister !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
回復 staplefordgem 2013-5-23 15:07
pretty flowers!  
回復 newbie 2013-5-24 13:34
staplefordgem: pretty flowers!   

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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