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newbie的個人空間 https://hkplants.com/?5413 [收藏] [複製] [分享] [RSS]


各位好友 請小心 小心 .......... @_@

熱度 28已有 3634 次閱讀2012-3-7 10:04

各位好友   小心 小心    你地家中的 "黃靚靚"  
因為 。。。。。。

我都估唔到自己咁快就返左來 YEAH 
becauase I cant extend my visa for another 6 months ...... haha

so happy to see my fafa in HK  
although some gone with the wind @@ 

any one know who is this pls ? 

wow many lums ^_^

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回復 mandywowo 2012-3-7 14:25
newbie: ooooooh why ah 
我家的’姐姐’好叻種花貓,成屋都係 but digital flora only have 2 small babies, give u back one later la :)
其他品種每樣 ...
digital flora 仲有無呀? 最近先發現自己果棵原來唔係digital flora
回復 Juna 2012-3-7 14:27
newbie: u see see :)
no need sow myself then can wait for fafa in summer, great !!!!!!! ...
回復 Juna 2012-3-7 14:27
newbie: thanks sister :) hows yr fafa ah ?
回復 mandywowo 2012-3-7 14:31
原來digital flora 派晒喡... 葉都比一片我好嗎
回復 newbie 2012-3-7 14:42
mandywowo: digital flora 仲有無呀? 最近先發現自己果棵原來唔係digital flora
yes .. have babies .. one for u sweetie
but are u sure this one is digital flora ? :)
回復 newbie 2012-3-7 14:42
yes .. exactly :)
回復 newbie 2012-3-7 14:43
Juna: 等 開花
good la ... so what kind of fafa u got now ah ? any new photos ?
回復 newbie 2012-3-7 14:43
mandywowo: 快d搵日出黎呀    
原來digital flora 派晒喡... 葉都比一片我好嗎
sure la .. let me find ONE day hehehee
d flora got 3 babies .. one for u ah !!!!!!!!!!
回復 mandywowo 2012-3-7 14:46
newbie: yes .. have babies .. one for u sweetie
but are u sure this one is digital flora ? :)
顏色係, 而且你話係, 我棵係開左紅色呀
回復 mandywowo 2012-3-7 14:46
newbie: sure la .. let me find ONE day hehehee
d flora got 3 babies .. one for u ah !!!!!!!!!!
   好野, 謝謝
回復 newbie 2012-3-7 14:47
mandywowo: 顏色係, 而且你話係, 我棵係開左紅色呀
what red digital flora hahhaaaaaaaaaaaaa
this one was from cara, so .. i think should be d flora la heheee
回復 newbie 2012-3-7 14:48
mandywowo:    好野, 謝謝
i gift u one but u will gift me back thousand la ...
so i will 好野 many times hahhahaa
but ...... i can give u when the BIG one 花花 開晒先, 我而家唔想 move 佢地住 because still have many lums :)
回復 mandywowo 2012-3-7 14:50
newbie: what red digital flora hahhaaaaaaaaaaaaa
this one was from cara, so .. i think should be d flora la heheee
回復 mandywowo 2012-3-7 14:51
newbie: i gift u one but u will gift me back thousand la ...
so i will 好野 many times hahhahaa
but ...... i can give u when the BIG one 花花 開晒先, 我而家唔 ...
回復 RIO 2012-3-7 15:34
welcome back
回復 newbie 2012-3-7 15:59
RIO: welcome back
thanks sister :) how u doing ?
回復 newbie 2012-3-7 16:16
chau_lyc: 玩突擊呀    you win
is this bear bear fingers ?
回復 newbie 2012-3-7 16:33
ling511221: 咁快返來!留幾耐?
no need go back la .. even go will only go 1-2 weeks :)
回復 newbie 2012-3-7 16:34
cookie20002005: 你返黎記得揾我地食飯呀
come back for GOOOOOOOOOOD la .. yeah !!
i want korean bbq heheheeeeeeee
回復 Juna 2012-3-7 16:35
newbie: good la ... so what kind of fafa u got now ah ? any new photos ?

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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