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add oil baby !!! i can see some dots dots .. very lovely ah !!

熱度 21上傳於 2009-11-18 20:58 (11.7 KB)

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回復 newbie 2009-11-19 02:26
childplay: 好靚既粉紅色...我迷人既pinklady...
thx hope to see her 'full' face soon la ^^
回復 蕙蕙 2009-11-19 10:55
newbie: oooh.. 好深呀 !!
no la, that means whoever u don't know his name, usually we put "John Doe" as a rep. name通常睇戲好多時殮房都有好多"John Doe"架~
回復 newbie 2009-11-19 11:16
蕙蕙: no la, that means whoever u don't know his name, usually we put "John Doe" as a rep. name通常睇戲好多時殮房都有好多"John Doe&qu
oooh thx for 'teaching' me , ms wai wai ^^
回復 蕙蕙 2009-11-19 11:37
newbie: oooh thx for 'teaching' me , ms wai wai ^^
not dare to teach u la, sharing info only
回復 newbie 2009-11-19 12:07
蕙蕙: not dare to teach u la, sharing info only
thx.. i want u to be my financial advisor too heheee
回復 蕙蕙 2009-11-19 12:08
newbie: thx.. i want u to be my financial advisor too heheee
u want to invest?
回復 newbie 2009-11-19 12:09
蕙蕙: u want to invest?
dont have much but of course want make some $$ to buy fa fa la hehee
回復 蕙蕙 2009-11-19 12:12
newbie: dont have much but of course want make some $$ to buy fa fa la hehee
few months ago, u should buy gold (real gold) but now...don't know what to buy as i'm selling...
回復 newbie 2009-11-19 12:15
蕙蕙: few months ago, u should buy gold (real gold) but now...don't know what to buy as i'm selling...
how about those gold 基金, time to sell now ?
回復 蕙蕙 2009-11-19 12:18
newbie: how about those gold 基金, time to sell now ?
i sold it 2 days ago, last time i earned much more and i didn't sell it, and then it came the financial turmoil
so this time i have to make some profits first, earning less is better than not earning at all
回復 newbie 2009-11-19 12:32
蕙蕙: i sold it 2 days ago, last time i earned much more and i didn't sell it, and then it came the financial turmoil
so this time i have to make so
yes as know my gold trust fund doing great long time ago...
but now earn less la @@
回復 蕙蕙 2009-11-19 13:33
newbie: yes as know my gold trust fund doing great long time ago...
but now earn less la @@
remember, one day u don't sell it, u don't actually earn it
回復 mandywowo 2009-11-19 13:54
回復 maywong918 2009-11-19 14:20
回復 LeFarman 2009-11-19 15:19
回復 newbie 2009-11-19 20:42
maywong918: 加油,快D開來睇下喇~唔好甘怕羞喇~
hehehe. do u know who is she ah ?
回復 newbie 2009-11-19 20:43
蕙蕙: remember, one day u don't sell it, u don't actually earn it
yes yes.. thinking now ... hehe thx for yr advise ^^
回復 蕙蕙 2009-11-19 21:36
newbie: yes yes.. thinking now ... hehe thx for yr advise ^^
of cos, i want u to earn more money and be happy
回復 maywong918 2009-11-19 22:43
newbie: hehehe. do u know who is she ah ?
回復 nuage 2009-11-21 11:39
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