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always have flowers ga but I need to climb UP to take photo hehee

熱度 10上傳於 2009-11-3 12:50 (57.7 KB)

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回復 Evalam 2009-11-3 16:23
回復 newbie 2009-11-3 16:35
Evalam: 好靚...向高空發展呀
thx. it climbred to the roof.. very hard for me to take photo ga.. heheee
回復 Evalam 2009-11-3 16:39
newbie: thx. it climbred to the roof.. very hard for me to take photo ga.. heheee
回復 newbie 2009-11-3 16:41
Evalam: 再高d第日可以上樓上屋企影
actually some climbed to upstairs by the water pipe la.. haha
i need to cut them ah ^^
回復 Evalam 2009-11-3 16:50
newbie: actually some climbed to upstairs by the water pipe la.. haha
i need to cut them ah ^^
回復 newbie 2009-11-3 17:06
Evalam: 如果我下面有..我實幫佢cut
u shouldnt cut la.. some1 show u their pretty fa fa ah!!
回復 Evalam 2009-11-3 17:15
newbie: u shouldnt cut la.. some1 show u their pretty fa fa ah!!
回復 newbie 2009-11-3 17:21
Evalam: cut出嚟種嘛
aiyo..... only u are so smart !! hahaaaaaaaa
回復 Evalam 2009-11-3 17:56
newbie: aiyo..... only u are so smart !! hahaaaaaaaa
回復 staplefordgem 2009-11-3 19:26
pretty flower
回復 newbie 2009-11-3 19:29
staplefordgem: pretty flower
thx..he is  cow cow who  can climb haha
回復 keung 2009-11-3 22:35
回復 newbie 2009-11-3 23:24
keung: 好幻彩
thx.  ALL flowers have a differnet look.. ^^
回復 WAH 2009-11-4 00:04
回復 mandywowo 2009-11-4 10:43
回復 childplay 2009-11-4 15:37
回復 newbie 2009-11-4 17:53
mandywowo: 靚靚呀
thx. i know u have too :)
回復 newbie 2009-11-4 17:57
childplay: 好靚好迷彩呢...
thx a lot ^^
回復 mandywowo 2009-11-4 18:31
newbie: thx. i know u have too :)
回復 newbie 2009-11-4 22:21
mandywowo: 我棵好似開得唔大咁
mine always open big but u need to 'see' them in VERY early morning.. ^^
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