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newbie的個人空間 https://hkplants.com/?5413 [收藏] [複製] [分享] [RSS]


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扮蟹 :) ^^

熱度 6上傳於 2009-9-15 20:13 (57.5 KB)

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回復 staplefordgem 2009-9-15 20:37
好美呀they looks like a choir, anticipating for the coming christmas choral?
回復 newbie 2009-9-15 20:39
staplefordgem: 好美呀they looks like a choir, anticipating for the coming christmas choral?
thanks.. but i think they looks like crab hahaa but i dont know how to type heheee
回復 staplefordgem 2009-9-15 20:49
newbie: thanks.. but i think they looks like crab hahaa but i dont know how to type heheee
回復 newbie 2009-9-15 20:50
make me hungry now ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
回復 Evalam 2009-9-15 22:09
回復 newbie 2009-9-15 22:41
Evalam: 好靚呀
thanks. how to type crab pls .. chinese ^^
回復 Evalam 2009-9-15 22:54
newbie: thanks. how to type crab pls .. chinese ^^
ni 蟹
回復 newbie 2009-9-15 23:00
Evalam: ni 蟹
thanks.. actually i dont know how to write .. thats why i dont know how to type hahaha.. bye dear kissssssssss
回復 keung 2009-9-15 23:13
回復 newbie 2009-9-16 00:45
keung: 我見過佢啲葉好大塊
係勁大 ... 我 cut  cut  cut heheee
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