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好靚女 ... ^^ 但仲未開哂.....

上傳於 2009-8-27 11:26 (28.1 KB)

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回復 staplefordgem 2009-8-27 13:50
wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!so pretty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
回復 newbie 2009-8-27 13:56
staplefordgem: wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!so pretty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
thanksssssssssssssssss a lot :)))))))))))))))))))
i love HER so much too
回復 newbie 2009-8-27 13:59
staplefordgem: wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!so pretty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
one of my DREAM flower
回復 staplefordgem 2009-8-27 14:00
newbie: thanksssssssssssssssss a lot :)))))))))))))))))))
i love HER so much too
coz she's really so pretty 人見人愛
回復 staplefordgem 2009-8-27 14:02
newbie: one of my DREAM flower
may i know flower's name please? thank you
回復 newbie 2009-8-27 14:02
staplefordgem: coz she's really so pretty 人見人愛
true !!!!!!!!!!!!!! love at first sight ^^
回復 newbie 2009-8-27 14:02
staplefordgem: may i know flower's name please? thank you
大岩桐 ^^
回復 staplefordgem 2009-8-27 14:10
newbie: 大岩桐 ^^
merci by the way, she's really so beautiful and charming
回復 newbie 2009-8-27 14:12
staplefordgem: merciby the way, she's really so beautiful and charming
thx. yes yes BIG charming one ^^
回復 RIO 2009-8-27 14:23
開咗喇, 真係靚啊
回復 polaris 2009-8-27 15:50
回復 holly 2009-8-27 16:04
回復 newbie 2009-8-27 16:19
RIO: 開咗喇, 真係靚啊
yes thanks... but this afternoon 好似 close 左D :(
回復 newbie 2009-8-27 16:30
polaris: 好靚啊...尤其係啲點點!
yes yes yes thanks a lot... LOVE at first sight ^^ hehehe  ^^
回復 newbie 2009-8-27 16:31
holly: 靚啊,羡慕喎
thanks dear ^^
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