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熱度 4上傳於 2009-8-17 12:05 (27.4 KB)

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回復 Juna 2009-8-18 22:21
newbie: yr 'head' white + yellow flower very nice ah... new icon ??
回復 newbie 2009-8-18 22:26
Juna: 無改過
oooh.. hehehee sry sry
回復 Juna 2009-8-18 22:33
newbie: oooh.. hehehee sry sry
唔係 sry
回復 newbie 2009-8-18 22:34
Juna: 唔係 sry
but i feel that this flower is BIGGER and nicer ^^ hehehee
回復 Juna 2009-8-18 22:37
newbie: but i feel that this flower is BIGGER and nicer ^^ hehehee
very small, her name is 白晶菊
回復 newbie 2009-8-18 23:12
Juna: very small, her name is 白晶菊
oic.. 自己播種or Buy ?
回復 Juna 2009-8-19 12:02
newbie: oic.. 自己播種or Buy ?
兩樣都唔係, 係去睇花藝設計比賽時的展品
回復 newbie 2009-8-19 12:44
Juna: 兩樣都唔係, 係去睇花藝設計比賽時的展品
oic... 咁靚都種得過呀 !
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