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藍蝴蝶不停搶哂d位... @_@

上傳於 2009-8-14 19:26 (92 KB)

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回復 staplefordgem 2009-8-14 19:48
回復 newbie 2009-8-14 19:54
staplefordgem: wow
i dont know if u can 'get' how big it is
回復 阿四 2009-8-14 19:58
回復 staplefordgem 2009-8-14 20:00
newbie: i dont know if u can 'get' how big it is
seeing this picture can imagine how big it is, you are so good at growing flower plants 讚
回復 newbie 2009-8-14 20:05
阿四: 有幾"big"?
好鬼迫 ....
回復 newbie 2009-8-14 20:08
staplefordgem: seeing this picture can imagine how big it is, you are so good at growing flower plants 讚
hehee clever.. but actually i am NOT very good 'gardner' hahahaa.. many died just u dont know. .hehehee
回復 newbie 2009-8-14 20:15
蕙蕙: 大得咁快
yes.. u see see when she was a little girl in march !!
回復 蕙蕙 2009-8-14 21:36
newbie: yes.. u see see when she was a little girl in march !!
咁你仲行到出露臺, 見到陽光嗎俾佢遮哂未?
回復 newbie 2009-8-14 21:38
蕙蕙: 咁你仲行到出露臺, 見到陽光嗎俾佢遮哂未?
i still can 行到出露臺 cos she is living on the 架...
陽光俾佢遮哂未 ---- almost la !!
回復 蕙蕙 2009-8-14 21:41
newbie: i still can 行到出露臺 cos she is living on the 架...
陽光俾佢遮哂未 ---- almost la !!
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