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IMG_2171 (Small)

上傳於 2009-7-17 23:19 (33.5 KB)

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回復 蕙蕙 2009-7-18 15:25
哇, 大塊葉呀
my honey問你係咪抹過塊葉, 咁ling嘅
回復 newbie 2009-7-18 15:36
蕙蕙: 哇, 大塊葉呀my honey問你係咪抹過塊葉, 咁ling嘅
鬼得閒理佢咩.... hahahaha
i used flash on this photo.. cos took at nite hehehee
回復 蕙蕙 2009-7-18 15:46
newbie: 鬼得閒理佢咩.... hahahaha
i used flash on this photo.. cos took at nite hehehee
the effect was good then
回復 newbie 2009-7-18 15:54
蕙蕙: the effect was good then
hehehe. u can try try ^^
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