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上傳於 2009-6-27 10:56 (28.5 KB)

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回復 Evalam 2009-6-27 11:34
回復 蕙蕙 2009-6-27 11:37
love it
回復 newbie 2009-6-27 11:39
Evalam: 粉紅色baby好靚
actually is  粉紫 ^^ but cant take a very clear photo ^^
回復 Evalam 2009-6-27 11:40
newbie: actually is  粉紫 ^^ but cant take a very clear photo ^^
回復 newbie 2009-6-27 11:40
蕙蕙: love it
me 2... but this flower is good to grow in winter.. hope it wont die soon.. but dont worry. i still have many seeds.. we can sow again in oct/nov.. do u want some seeds ?
回復 newbie 2009-6-27 11:41
Evalam: 粉紫仲靚,我最鍾意粉紫色我過緊嚟睇,不過未搵到你.....
回復 蕙蕙 2009-6-27 11:44
newbie: me 2... but this flower is good to grow in winter.. hope it wont die soon.. but dont worry. i still have many seeds.. we can sow again in oct/nov.. do
yes, pls.
回復 Evalam 2009-6-27 11:44
newbie: 下..........我咁大”份”你都見唔到?????
回復 newbie 2009-6-27 11:45
蕙蕙: yes, pls.
ok ^^ by the way, i forget u 種d花係天台or 室內?
回復 蕙蕙 2009-6-27 11:46
newbie: ok ^^ by the way, i forget u 種d花係天台or 室內?
回復 newbie 2009-6-27 11:46
Evalam: 條天橋太長,又無車,等下我先啦....
aiyo... wrong la.. i am at the bottom !!!
回復 蕙蕙 2009-6-27 11:46
newbie: ok ^^ by the way, i forget u 種d花係天台or 室內?
with sunlight
回復 newbie 2009-6-27 11:48
蕙蕙: balcony
good :) big one ???
回復 newbie 2009-6-27 11:48
蕙蕙: with sunlight
good, similar to mine...
回復 Evalam 2009-6-27 11:48
newbie: aiyo... wrong la.. i am at the bottom !!!
回復 newbie 2009-6-27 11:49
Evalam: 吓.....我以為你喺天橋上邊添.......
aiyo... then u will go to kennedy town..........
回復 Evalam 2009-6-27 11:52
newbie: aiyo... then u will go to kennedy town..........
迷路,help me to call police....
but i am afraid u cannot find me......
回復 newbie 2009-6-27 11:54
Evalam: 迷路,help me to call police....but i am afraid u cannot find me......
dont worry.. 一步一步退後行.. 實到 :)
回復 Evalam 2009-6-27 11:57
newbie: dont worry.. 一步一步退後行.. 實到 :)
回復 newbie 2009-6-27 11:58
Evalam: 但我喺車頂....向前.....
u jump !!! ^^
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