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都未有屋住就有花苞啦 ^^ hahahaa

上傳於 2009-6-23 11:37 (33.9 KB)

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回復 laitungfamily 2009-6-23 13:37
GOODluck20x: 我 打劫左...newbie 師姐 super orange wo... 堅吾堅!!
回復 laitungfamily 2009-6-23 13:45
newbie: this 特細 is at home or office ?? home ??
係呀... at home... 救緊
回復 laitungfamily 2009-6-23 13:45
newbie: 秋播, 春天開花 ^^
回復 GOODluck20x 2009-6-23 14:22
laitungfamily: 睇唔出你咁眼明手快喎
回復 newbie 2009-6-23 14:26
laitungfamily: 係呀... at home... 救緊
ok... not TOO much water but not TOO dry.. no need direct sun light...  ^^ goooooooooood luck ^^
回復 newbie 2009-6-23 14:26
laitungfamily: 到時真係c左就要打劫下啦
no need 打劫, 你要我就開心啦.  Juna sent me different colours 矮牽牛 seeds too ^^
回復 newbie 2009-6-23 14:36
GOODluck20x: 我 打劫左...newbie 師姐 super orange wo... 堅吾堅!!
but u not yet 'collect' it !!!!!!!!!!!!  十月之約,華山再見 ^^
回復 GOODluck20x 2009-6-23 14:40
newbie: but u not yet 'collect' it !!!!!!!!!!!!  十月之約,華山再見 ^^
回復 laitungfamily 2009-6-23 15:48
GOODluck20x: 我系身手敏捷既肥仔
回復 laitungfamily 2009-6-23 15:56
newbie: ok... not TOO much water but not TOO dry.. no need direct sun light...  ^^ goooooooooood luck ^^
明白... madam
回復 laitungfamily 2009-6-23 16:08
newbie: no need 打劫, 你要我就開心啦.  Juna sent me different colours 矮牽牛 seeds too ^^
到時又繁殖下一代... 嘩....
回復 GOODluck20x 2009-6-23 16:22
laitungfamily: 好矛盾....
回復 laitungfamily 2009-6-23 16:28
GOODluck20x: 我一霜情願遮...
回復 GOODluck20x 2009-6-23 16:30
laitungfamily: 你一相情願留比你個另一半啦...
回復 newbie 2009-6-24 04:20
laitungfamily: 到時又繁殖下一代... 嘩....
yes yes.. this kind of 牛牛 算係易種(to me, hehehee)
回復 newbie 2009-6-24 04:24
laitungfamily: 明白... madam
heheheheee 無壓力地去種... 自然有成績 :)
回復 newbie 2009-6-24 04:30
GOODluck20x: 比人督爆左....wakakakakakak
of cos need 督爆 u la.. u 扼 靚 女 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahahahhahaa 死未 !
回復 laitungfamily 2009-6-24 13:55
newbie: yes yes.. this kind of 牛牛 算係易種(to me, hehehee)
易種..... 到時等你下
回復 newbie 2009-6-24 13:57
laitungfamily: 易種..... 到時等你下
ok..... ^^
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