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變左色 ??

上傳於 2009-6-22 12:00 (37.8 KB)

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回復 laitungfamily 2009-6-22 22:47
回復 newbie 2009-6-23 10:22
laitungfamily: 真係做左變色龍喎
係啦..唔知 幾隻色先係healthy
回復 laitungfamily 2009-6-23 12:01
newbie: 係啦..唔知 幾隻色先係healthy
都唔知呀.... 仙人掌冇玩過
回復 newbie 2009-6-23 12:24
laitungfamily: 都唔知呀.... 仙人掌冇玩過
but can see its getting bigger.. happy ^^
回復 laitungfamily 2009-6-23 12:49
newbie: but can see its getting bigger.. happy ^^
回復 newbie 2009-6-23 13:16
laitungfamily: 睇落都幾健康丫
yes.. 其實之前 (before i found this website heheh) 我一直都無理佢架
回復 laitungfamily 2009-6-23 13:40
newbie: yes.. 其實之前 (before i found this website heheh) 我一直都無理佢架
又唔理佢, 好彩佢夠硬命
回復 newbie 2009-6-23 14:25
laitungfamily: 又唔理佢, 好彩佢夠硬命
yes. my friend said why i dont take care of the plant but every year still can have flowers hahaa
回復 laitungfamily 2009-6-23 15:57
newbie: yes. my friend said why i dont take care of the plant but every year still can have flowers hahaa
你take care左人地唔知姐
回復 newbie 2009-6-24 04:21
laitungfamily: 你take care左人地唔知姐
講真, 之前真係 "無" .... hahahaaa 因為種左/買左成almost 7-8 年, 無哂新鮮感,  hahahaaaa...
回復 newbie 2009-6-24 04:22
laitungfamily: 你take care左人地唔知姐
but i will take good care of the mother and babies now ^^ heheee
回復 laitungfamily 2009-6-24 13:56
newbie: 講真, 之前真係 "無" .... hahahaaa 因為種左/買左成almost 7-8 年, 無哂新鮮感,  hahahaaaa...
回復 laitungfamily 2009-6-24 13:57
newbie: but i will take good care of the mother and babies now ^^ heheee
緊係啦... 唔係佢個下埸同串串心一樣就慘
回復 newbie 2009-6-24 13:58
laitungfamily: 諗起你個串串心就傷心...
yessssssssssssssss.. ALLLLLLLL is MY BAD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
u cant imagine how big it is and how MANY FLOWERS it has ...
i totally cant remember when it ALL die ...
回復 newbie 2009-6-24 13:58
laitungfamily: 緊係啦... 唔係佢個下埸同串串心一樣就慘
yes yes.. lucky this one is FAT FAT . not easy to die hahahaaaaa
回復 newbie 2009-6-24 13:59
laitungfamily: 緊係啦... 唔係佢個下埸同串串心一樣就慘
new cow cow flower opened la...
回復 laitungfamily 2009-6-24 14:49
newbie: yessssssssssssssss.. ALLLLLLLL is MY BAD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
u cant imagine how big it is and how MANY FLOWERS it has ...
i totally cant remember when
唔緊要啦... 你d苗苗好快會大架啦
回復 laitungfamily 2009-6-24 14:49
newbie: yes yes.. lucky this one is FAT FAT . not easy to die hahahaaaaa
記得sweet talk ar
回復 newbie 2009-6-24 14:50
laitungfamily: 唔緊要啦... 你d苗苗好快會大架啦
but heart heart leaves is not my baby..係人地架.... 唔係我生... 唔知會點...
回復 newbie 2009-6-24 14:50
laitungfamily: 記得sweet talk ar
hmmmmmmmmmm HE SO FAT... sweet talk 有d難度....
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