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8 jun 落泥,無諗過咁快有野睇:)好似生幾快...唔知邊隻迷岩會咁快呢^^

上傳於 2009-6-14 00:05 (55.2 KB)

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回復 newbie 2009-6-14 01:25
webalex: 唔睇過真係唔知係咩意思...
回復 newbie 2009-6-14 01:26
webalex: 鏡頭無事,係對焦有小小唔係正中心,可能因為你影D花花全部係綠色,所以難對焦D,基本上係正常既,所有自動對焦相機都會咁架.
hmmm....thanks alot.  
let me try again tomorrow day time see if OK... but these 2 days i cant take a clear photo without flash :(
回復 webalex 2009-6-14 01:29
回復 newbie 2009-6-14 01:30
webalex: 都估唔到,你部係咩MODEL?
the one i told u b4.. IXUS 750 canon
回復 webalex 2009-6-14 01:30
newbie: hmmm....thanks alot.  
let me try again tomorrow day time see if OK... but these 2 days i cant take a clear photo without flash :(
回復 newbie 2009-6-14 01:31
webalex: 因為手振?
no.. before 都一樣啦...
回復 webalex 2009-6-14 01:33
newbie: no.. before 都一樣啦...
回復 newbie 2009-6-14 01:35
webalex: 整乾左先再試下啦.
ok. tomorrow buy 'elegant'.. those at home almost full with water la..
回復 webalex 2009-6-14 01:40
newbie: ok. tomorrow buy 'elegant'.. those at home almost full with water la..
有無reset 過部機再試?其實頭先D相我又覺得好正常播.
回復 newbie 2009-6-14 01:40
webalex: 有無reset 過部機再試?其實頭先D相我又覺得好正常播.
ok..... lets buy elegant tomorrow and see see
回復 webalex 2009-6-14 01:41
newbie: ok..... lets buy elegant tomorrow and see see
回復 newbie 2009-6-14 01:41
webalex: 有無reset 過部機再試?其實頭先D相我又覺得好正常播.
but that icon the 三角有時向右架,有時向上,一定有d原因,點解呢?
回復 webalex 2009-6-14 01:42
newbie: but that icon the 三角有時向右架,有時向上,一定有d原因,點解呢?
回復 newbie 2009-6-14 01:45
webalex: 你唔見左本書仔?
回復 webalex 2009-6-14 01:51
newbie: 唔知係邊啦,n年啦
回復 newbie 2009-6-14 01:53
webalex: 可能係指張相既方向,佢幫你自動轉張相.試下係咪?
E 有D似係方向... HEHEHEE
回復 webalex 2009-6-14 01:54
newbie: E 有D似係方向... HEHEHEE
回復 newbie 2009-6-14 01:54
webalex: 可能係指張相既方向,佢幫你自動轉張相.試下係咪?
之前都好似唔覺有個三角, HAHA
回復 webalex 2009-6-14 01:55
newbie: 之前都好似唔覺有個三角, HAHA
回復 newbie 2009-6-14 01:57
webalex: 眼大睇唔到
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