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IMG_0855 (Small)

上傳於 2009-6-6 14:08 (36.5 KB)

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回復 laitungfamily 2009-6-6 14:16
越睇越鍾意.... 你有冇粉紅個隻呀
回復 newbie 2009-6-6 14:16
laitungfamily: 越睇越鍾意.... 你有冇粉紅個隻呀
no ah but u know i LOVE yellow.. i prefer yellow more than pink hehe ^^
回復 laitungfamily 2009-6-6 14:18
newbie: no ah but u know i LOVE yellow.. i prefer yellow more than pink hehe ^^
咁又係... 不過香味好似唔太同
回復 newbie 2009-6-6 14:22
laitungfamily: 咁又係... 不過香味好似唔太同
oh really, different 香味 ? i never smell pink flower ah...
u buy both and let me smell smell heheheee
回復 laitungfamily 2009-6-6 14:24
newbie: oh really, different 香味 ? i never smell pink flower ah...
u buy both and let me smell smell heheheee
我見花墟好似得yellow one jar
回復 newbie 2009-6-6 14:26
laitungfamily: 我見花墟好似得yellow one jar
so u like yellow or pink more ?
回復 laitungfamily 2009-6-6 14:29
newbie: so u like yellow or pink more ?
我鍾意睇黃, 但我鍾意聞pink
回復 newbie 2009-6-6 14:30
laitungfamily: 我鍾意睇黃, 但我鍾意聞pink
ooohhhhhhhhhhh 1st buy yellow.. then buy pink. .i want to 聞 , never 聞過呀
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