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IMG_0338 (Large)

上傳於 2009-5-16 23:45 (28.2 KB)

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回復 webalex 2009-5-16 23:49
so gooooooooooooood
回復 Juna 2009-5-16 23:51
花花靚, 影得靚再留意下構圖就完美
回復 webalex 2009-5-16 23:53
Juna: 花花靚, 影得靚再留意下構圖就完美
回復 newbie 2009-5-16 23:53
webalex: so gooooooooooooood
as gooooooooooood as U !!
回復 Juna 2009-5-16 23:54
webalex: 叻叻叻
回復 newbie 2009-5-16 23:54
Juna: 花花靚, 影得靚再留意下構圖就完美
thanks. ok. tomorrow will try try new 構圖
by the way, this window is NEXT to me now.. everyday i am sitting next to this window online and chat with u all ^^
回復 webalex 2009-5-16 23:55
newbie: as gooooooooooood as U !!
回復 webalex 2009-5-16 23:56
回復 Juna 2009-5-16 23:56
newbie: thanks. ok. tomorrow will try try new 構圖
by the way, this window is NEXT to me now.. everyday i am sitting next to this window online and chat with
回復 Juna 2009-5-16 23:58
webalex: 快D去影D靚靚相俾大家睇下啦
今日無影相, 朝早又無出去, 表演要用腳架同長鏡至影到, 我都無
回復 newbie 2009-5-16 23:59
Juna: 花花靚, 影得靚再留意下構圖就完美
how about this one ^^ ?
回復 newbie 2009-5-16 23:59
webalex: 人比花嬌.....
人比花黃... 就真... hhahahaaaa
回復 webalex 2009-5-17 00:00
Juna: 今日無影相, 朝早又無出去, 表演要用腳架同長鏡至影到, 我都無
回復 webalex 2009-5-17 00:01
newbie: 人比花黃... 就真... hhahahaaaa
回復 newbie 2009-5-17 00:04
webalex: 唔瘦,係楊'肉'環型至真
係黃 !!! but of course 肉肉肉肉肉肉
唔好再諗, 自己都恐慌
回復 newbie 2009-5-17 00:05
webalex: 唔瘦,係楊'肉'環型至真
close up more fat hahahaha
回復 webalex 2009-5-17 00:05
newbie: 係黃 !!! but of course 肉肉肉肉肉肉唔好再諗, 自己都恐慌
有D肉都好丫,he he he
回復 webalex 2009-5-17 00:07
no la,so beautiful wor
回復 newbie 2009-5-17 00:07
webalex: 有D肉都好丫,he he he
pls DONT mention any 肉 again !!!!!!!!!!!
回復 webalex 2009-5-17 00:07
newbie: pls DONT mention any 肉 again !!!!!!!!!!!
dont panic la honey
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