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IMG_0219 (Small)

上傳於 2009-5-15 16:40 (25.3 KB)

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回復 keung 2009-5-15 22:03
回復 newbie 2009-5-15 22:06
keung: 啲花花好靚
yes but one year only one time have flower..... dont know if i didnt give 'her' enough 'fat' hahaaaa
回復 nuage 2009-5-15 22:17
回復 mimi 2009-5-15 22:43
回復 webalex 2009-5-15 22:53
big big flower ah
回復 newbie 2009-5-15 23:00
mimi: 好靚但可以開幾耐呢?
hahaa.. u are the 2nd one asking this question.. let me record it and tell u ^^ this one opening for about 3 days.. at nite it will 'close' a bit
回復 newbie 2009-5-15 23:01
webalex: big big flower ah
nonono.. only small .. but in compare.. maybe big hahaaa
回復 webalex 2009-5-15 23:03
newbie: nonono.. only small .. but in compare.. maybe big hahaaa
回復 newbie 2009-5-15 23:05
webalex: 咩野都係一種比較姐....成敗得失,對錯是非....大細
咁深.....  i'm sick today.... 諗野慢.....
回復 webalex 2009-5-15 23:06
newbie: 咁深.....  i'm sick today.... 諗野慢.....
回復 newbie 2009-5-15 23:07
webalex: 無講野...
no no no ... continue to talk.. otherwise i will 暈倒
回復 webalex 2009-5-15 23:08
newbie: no no no ... continue to talk.. otherwise i will 暈倒
回復 newbie 2009-5-15 23:12
webalex: 今晚無星無月...
回復 webalex 2009-5-16 00:22
newbie: 只有思念..
回復 mimi 2009-5-16 10:23
回復 newbie 2009-5-16 11:52
webalex: 唔好思念喇,好傷架...
哦.... 知道
回復 webalex 2009-5-16 23:29
newbie: 哦.... 知道
回復 newbie 2009-5-16 23:30
webalex: 知道還知道,做還做....
welcome back home !!
kitchen tissue paper mode not bad !!! hahahaaa
very clear !! i u ^^
回復 webalex 2009-5-16 23:37
newbie: welcome back home !!
kitchen tissue paper mode not bad !!! hahahaaa
very clear !! i[em:1
thank you dear photo master!
you take great photo la.
回復 newbie 2009-5-16 23:39
webalex: thank you dear photo master!
you take great photo la.
多謝老師教導.... 但我要continue上堂. may i know what topic for next lesson please ..........
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