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熱度 2上傳於 2013-1-11 17:56 (61.9 KB)

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回復 DORA 2013-1-12 06:47
回復 newbie 2013-1-12 08:30
DORA: 係咪同我棵一樣咖?
i cant remember which one i gave u la ....... maybe heheee
回復 DORA 2013-1-12 08:52
Seems the same ah
回復 newbie 2013-1-12 08:54
DORA: Seems the same ah
good... 仲有無花開緊呀?
回復 DORA 2013-1-12 08:57
回復 newbie 2013-1-12 08:58
DORA: 有呀,不過我影相太差,次次都好曚冇放上黎咋
iciccc heheheeee 曚都放上黎 la :)
回復 DORA 2013-1-12 09:24
newbie: iciccc heheheeee 曚都放上黎 la :)
回復 Juna 2013-3-19 00:07
回復 newbie 2013-3-19 00:09
Juna: 好靚呀
but small small only and very short ga heheee ...
回復 Juna 2013-3-19 07:54
newbie: but small small only and very short ga heheee ...
希望我種唔會變 long neck
回復 newbie 2013-3-19 12:40
Juna: 希望我種唔會變 long neck
i dont think it will .. cos having it for 1 year, only 3" tall haha
回復 Juna 2013-3-19 13:08
newbie: i dont think it will .. cos having it for 1 year, only 3" tall haha
hehe 咁就好喇
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