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who are u BB :)

熱度 2上傳於 2012-6-5 18:36 (93.2 KB)

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回復 chau_lyc 2012-6-5 18:43
回復 newbie 2012-6-5 18:50
chau_lyc: 開花
yes but dont know who is she  
回復 蕙蕙 2012-6-6 00:24
回復 newbie 2012-6-6 05:44
蕙蕙: 開左咪知羅
但好奇怪, 一盆內, 另一棵似長筒, 真攪笑. 話時話我好似得3-4種 sinn, 但諗唔起佢似邊隻, 又唔似 super orange ah ... lets wait wait la ^^ 有D心急呀 hehe :)
回復 蕙蕙 2012-6-6 17:05
   另一棵似長筒...did u reuse the soil?
回復 newbie 2012-6-6 17:51
蕙蕙:    另一棵似長筒...did u reuse the soil?
yes.. the left one seems not sinn .. i think i didnt add soil to this pot but if so i did reuse soil @@ ......
回復 newbie 2012-6-6 17:53
蕙蕙:    另一棵似長筒...did u reuse the soil?
did u see this diary ?
回復 蕙蕙 2012-6-6 18:28
newbie: yes.. the left one seems not sinn .. i think i didnt add soil to this pot but if so i did reuse soil @@ ......
maybe you should take it out and put it into another pot then
回復 newbie 2012-6-6 18:32
蕙蕙: maybe you should take it out and put it into another pot then
yes . but need to wait till fafa opened ^^
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