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ylee, she is v. sky ?? @@ where is the yellow ? 唔制呀 !! T_T .... 原來係 Ms Rainbow but why only red in rainbow .. where is the other 6 colours :) ...

熱度 2上傳於 2012-5-26 22:07 (67.2 KB)

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回復 ylee 2012-5-26 22:20
OMG!This is not V. SKY. This is MS Rainbow. http://hkplants.com/thread-91658-1-1.html. Sorry! IT is becuse MS. Sky and Ms. Rainbow grow together in a pot :). Today I gave you is ms Sky. Next Time give you a big one with LUM LUM :)
回復 newbie 2012-5-26 22:30
ylee: OMG!This is not V. SKY. This is MS Rainbow. http://hkplants.com/thread-91658-1-1.html. Sorry! IT is becuse MS. Sky and Ms. Rainbow grow together in a  ...
hehheeeeeeeeee :) hhahahaaa .. ic ic ms rainbow ^^
but how come this rainbow only got one RED colour kakkakaaa
又唔駛 sry ^^ Next Time give you a big one with LUM LUM - 咁我又唔客氣啦, 唔該修煉到多黃少pink ^^ hehehee ^^ thanks dear  
回復 keung 2012-5-26 22:52
回復 newbie 2012-5-26 23:02
keung: 你又出貓如果我係老師一定罰你
not me ah   ........... is ylee @@       ....  
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