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第三盆有lums啦,好開心 ! 仲係最矮, 細細個"盆"都得, 叻叻 !! EVA 準備接佢回家啦 :) this week ok ?

熱度 4上傳於 2012-5-14 12:13 (67.3 KB)

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回復 Evalam 2012-5-15 10:50
ok ok...星期五你會唔會去茶聚...
回復 celiaw 2012-5-15 11:02
eva冇哂貓貓, 大把位囉!
回復 Juna 2012-5-15 11:07
Evalam: ok ok...星期五你會唔會去茶聚...
回復 newbie 2012-5-15 11:07
Evalam: ok ok...星期五你會唔會去茶聚...
ooh tea gathering again on friday ?? but u no need lesson ? i can go this week ah
回復 Evalam 2012-5-15 11:09
Juna: 白香岩要勁多陽光
回復 Evalam 2012-5-15 11:10
newbie: ooh tea gathering again on friday ?? but u no need lesson ? i can go this week ah
回復 newbie 2012-5-15 11:10
celiaw: eva冇哂貓貓, 大把位囉!
yes but NO sun light @@ ... so i need to plant it still the have lums ^^
回復 newbie 2012-5-15 11:10
Evalam: 等佢開完花..攞返去俾newbie曬
yes yes :)
回復 newbie 2012-5-15 11:12
Evalam: 今個星期夜假...可以去呀..佢地下午5:00開始呀...
wow so early ??? u go i go la . pls register for me .. but dont go so early la .. u?
回復 Juna 2012-5-15 11:13
Evalam: 等佢開完花..攞返去俾newbie曬
回復 celiaw 2012-5-15 11:28
newbie: yes but NO sun light @@ ... so i need to plant it still the have lums ^^
你種到有花lum, 但eva屋企冇陽光, 會唔會消lum架?
回復 newbie 2012-5-15 11:40
celiaw: 你種到有花lum, 但eva屋企冇陽光, 會唔會消lum架?
her mum's home has sun light .. and actually she has windows with good sun light only afraid meow will eat the plant .. so let her decide where to put la .. i hope by this friday, the lums bigger then wont 消lum la  
回復 celiaw 2012-5-15 11:45
newbie: her mum's home has sun light .. and actually she has windows with good sun light only afraid meow will eat the plant .. so let her decide where to put ...
貓貓會食花? 真係要小心d囉!
回復 newbie 2012-5-15 11:50
celiaw: 貓貓會食花? 真係要小心d囉!
yes ... maybe place at mum's home la ^^
回復 celiaw 2012-5-15 12:35
newbie: yes ... maybe place at mum's home la ^^
回復 newbie 2012-5-15 12:40
celiaw: mum's屋企應該安全好多!
yep .. and as for yr advise. i better keep it one more week . let the lums grow bigger :) thanks for yr advise ^^
回復 celiaw 2012-5-15 12:54
newbie: yep .. and as for yr advise. i better keep it one more week . let the lums grow bigger :) thanks for yr advise ^^
回復 newbie 2012-5-15 12:57
我閃啦 88  
回復 celiaw 2012-5-15 13:03
newbie: 我閃啦 88   
回復 Evalam 2012-5-15 14:12
newbie: yes yes :)
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