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熱度 1上傳於 2012-4-24 07:26 (29.8 KB)

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回復 小Con子 2012-4-24 09:04
回復 newbie 2012-4-24 17:21
小Con子: 幾時有得食?
u have more experience in vegge type la hehee
need to fafa dried and 'get into' the soil wor may need sometimes la
i dont mind only have fafa ga hehehee but of cos love to see the peanuts la ^^ hope can have some la ^^
回復 小Con子 2012-4-25 08:50
newbie: u have more experience in vegge type la hehee
need to fafa dried and 'get into' the soil wor may need sometimes la
i dont mind only have fafa ga hehe ...
回復 newbie 2012-4-27 00:04
小Con子: 比個大盆佢安胎啦
yes .. i think need la .. b4 lazy to change pot hehee
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