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Gloxinia lindeniana - wow arrived newbie's home about 3 weeks , 'added' 2 big leaves , yeah ^^

熱度 1上傳於 2012-4-23 17:58 (95 KB)

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回復 chau_lyc 2012-4-23 19:04
好勁呀! 你種得咁好,我應該比晒d花你種
回復 newbie 2012-4-23 22:06
chau_lyc: 好勁呀! 你種得咁好,我應該比晒d花你種
hehee no la ... only its getting warm now and some sun light for that 'shelf' , so she is living happily there lor ^^ but E lemon tree need add oil, grow slower ah @@
回復 chau_lyc 2012-4-23 22:23
newbie: hehee no la ... only its getting warm now and some sun light for that 'shelf' , so she is living happily there lor ^^ but E lemon tree need add oil, g ...
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