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Chirita lavandulaces from billy :)

熱度 2上傳於 2012-3-7 09:47 (50.1 KB)

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回復 mandywowo 2012-3-7 17:15
唔識, 不過好似billy都有
回復 newbie 2012-3-7 17:17
mandywowo: 唔識, 不過好似billy都有
the leaves very big too ??  let me ask ask him la :) thanks ^^
回復 mandywowo 2012-3-7 17:19
newbie: the leaves very big too ??  let me ask ask him la :) thanks ^^
睇個樣似啦... 我棵nut剩2葉
回復 newbie 2012-3-7 17:22
mandywowo: 睇個樣似啦... 我棵nut剩2葉
but mine ALL leaves NO NUT @@@@@
回復 mandywowo 2012-3-7 17:36
newbie: but mine ALL leaves NO NUT @@@@@
咁咪好囉, 又有花
回復 newbie 2012-3-7 17:37
mandywowo: 咁咪好囉, 又有花
回復 金剛 2012-3-15 16:56
E.Blue Heaven
回復 newbie 2012-3-15 17:11
金剛: E.Blue Heaven
not Ep ah .. i know the name ls but its quite long ... hehee
回復 newbie 2012-3-15 17:11
金剛: E.Blue Heaven
its Chirita lavandulaces
回復 金剛 2012-3-15 17:17
newbie: its Chirita lavandulaces
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