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黑種草花花 - 好細朵 但都可以開到, 叻叻呢 :)

熱度 6上傳於 2012-1-12 09:33 (338 KB)

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回復 eve3313 2012-1-12 09:35
回復 newbie 2012-1-12 09:54
eve3313:    加油呀!
thanks . hope the plant can continue to grow bigger and bigger la ! :)
回復 ylee 2012-1-12 22:46
OH! light blue flower. I like it               
回復 小紅楓 2012-1-13 05:19
gas up  
回復 keung 2012-1-13 08:33
回復 yeahyeah 2012-1-13 09:14
我只黑種草系咁+, 唔知同你個種同唔同呢
回復 小Con子 2012-1-13 10:35
回復 newbie 2012-1-19 08:14
小Con子: 咁早放煙花
yes but toooooooooooo small hhahahahaa
回復 newbie 2012-1-19 08:15
ylee: OH! light blue flower. I like it                            
thanks but too small and weak .. hope can 捱過冬天啦 but  
回復 newbie 2012-1-19 08:16
小紅楓: gas up   
thanks sister :) u back home la .. hows yr fafa ah ?
回復 newbie 2012-1-19 08:16
keung: 高、高、高
thanks 仲要大 . 大 . 大 呀 :)
回復 newbie 2012-1-19 08:17
yeahyeah: http://hkplants.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=9908&do=album&picid=158607
我只黑種草系咁+, 唔知同你個種同唔同呢
yours very very healthy !!! soon will have fafa ga la
i think they are same only MINE is too weak and small hahaaaa
回復 小Con子 2012-1-19 08:58
newbie: yes but toooooooooooo small hhahahahaa
回復 yeahyeah 2012-1-19 09:32
i hope so
回復 小紅楓 2012-1-19 22:47
newbie: thanks sister :) u back home la .. hows yr fafa ah ?
many of them died, cos it's cold here, but not as cold as last year up till now
回復 newbie 2012-1-23 17:16
小紅楓: many of them died, cos it's cold here, but not as cold as last year up till now
icicc.. start over again later la ............ and
恭喜發財 新年進步 身體健康 ^_^
回復 newbie 2012-1-23 17:16
小Con子: 開多幾朵會好壯觀
yes but now very weak .. @@
恭喜發財 新年進步 身體健康 ^_^
回復 小紅楓 2012-1-23 18:03
newbie: icicc.. start over again later la ............ and
恭喜發財 新年進步 身體健康 ^_^
祝身體健康,萬事如意,恭喜,恭喜  ღ(◠‿◠。)ღ
回復 newbie 2012-1-23 18:08
小紅楓: 祝身體健康,萬事如意,恭喜,恭喜  ღ(◠‿◠。)ღ
thanks sister ..... same to u ah  
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