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@ MAR 3, 2009

上傳於 2009-3-15 23:07 (38.6 KB)

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回復 亞實 2009-3-15 23:23
好可愛, 似風車
回復 newbie 2009-3-15 23:26
sifenamok: 好可愛, 似風車
thanks... i bought this plant about 2-3 years ago la.. so happy its still growing healthy ... 剛換到lee個小盆.
回復 亞實 2009-3-15 23:27
我都有種, 種左大約一個月, 真係覺得好靚!!!
你種左咁耐, 好勁!!
回復 newbie 2009-3-15 23:32
sifenamok: 我都有種, 種左大約一個月, 真係覺得好靚!!!
你種左咁耐, 好勁!!
very easy to take care, thats why 'she' is so old .. haha
u add oil ^^ but i know u are expert, easy for u la
回復 亞實 2009-3-15 23:35
i am not an expert ? Who told you ga ?? I am just
an idiot
回復 newbie 2009-3-15 23:41
sifenamok: i am not an expert ? Who told you ga ?? I am just
an idiot
see yr post and photo then know la.. heheeeeeeeee
回復 亞實 2009-3-15 23:43
no la, hahahaha !
you r an expert !!!!
回復 newbie 2009-3-15 23:45
sifenamok: no la, hahahaha !
you r an expert !!!!
i am expert is spending $$ heheheee
回復 亞實 2009-3-15 23:47
ME Too
回復 newbie 2009-3-15 23:48
sifenamok: ME Too
good ah...留港消費... :)
回復 nuage 2009-3-16 01:12
回復 newbie 2009-3-16 01:15
THX:) 一起加油!!!!
回復 nuage 2009-3-16 01:18
newbie: THX:) 一起加油!!!!
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