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上傳於 2009-3-13 20:39 (39.7 KB)

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回復 江江 2009-3-13 20:51
回復 newbie 2009-3-13 20:54
江江: 野生種...五爪金龍
not 矮牽牛 ????
回復 江江 2009-3-13 20:56
newbie: not 矮牽牛 ????
係牽牛花的一種..but 好似野生種的牽牛花
回復 newbie 2009-3-13 21:01
江江: 係牽牛花的一種..but 好似野生種的牽牛花
icicccccc 野生種的好或唔好?dont get what u mean .. but never mind heheee... let me take some 'close up' photos later
回復 江江 2009-3-13 21:04
newbie: icicccccc 野生種的好或唔好?dont get what u mean .. but never mind heheee... let me take some 'close up' photos later
o.k.  see your post later
回復 creativy 2009-3-13 21:21
回復 newbie 2009-3-13 21:27
creativy: 勁吖!我今年都想牛吓吖!
i think / hope can have seeds to share soon !! u want ?
回復 creativy 2009-3-13 21:30
Yes Yes Yes!
回復 newbie 2009-3-13 21:35
creativy: Yes Yes Yes!
kk. let me know how to collect all the seeds then PM u ^^ i am very excited too, 1st time to collect seeds and share hehee
回復 creativy 2009-3-13 21:38
回復 newbie 2009-3-13 21:38
creativy: 你要唔要蝴蝶蘭,我用嚟同你交換吖!
exchange whole plant ??? oh no.. hehe i love mine .. thanks for the offer ^^   
i bring this back from 元朗新潭路 to 北角炮台山, 好遠架 :)
回復 creativy 2009-3-13 21:42
newbie: exchange whole plant ??? oh no.. hehe i love mine .. thanks for the offer ^^   
i bring this back from 元朗新潭路 to 北角炮台山, 好遠架 :)
回復 Dalki's 2009-3-13 21:43
回復 newbie 2009-3-13 21:43
creativy: 我公司成日擺蝴蝶蘭,但係D花謝咗,就無人要啦,我又收養唔到咁多!禮尚往來啫!
ic.. i never have any 蘭花before, dont know how to take care, dont want them die ah...... but if u can teach me.. heheheee
回復 newbie 2009-3-13 21:45
Dalki's: ooh~好靚呀~又茂盛d顏色又靚
thx....dalki, did u find the blue butterfly flower in yuen long?? i bought this from them too (yesterday)
回復 Dalki's 2009-3-13 21:55
吓~佢咁多靚花賣嘅?我未去搵呀, 要返工嘛! 睇吓哩兩日有冇時間去啦! 不過我有個朋友話見過D籃蝴蝶好大盆架, 怕我屋企放唔落~唉~搞到我都唔知買唔買好!但我見你嗰盆又唔係好大咋喎
回復 Dalki's 2009-3-13 21:59
吓~佢咁多靚花賣嘅?我未去搵呀, 要返工嘛! 睇吓哩兩日有冇時間去啦! 不過我有個朋友話見過D籃蝴蝶好大盆架, 怕我屋企放唔落~唉~搞到我都唔知買唔買好!但我見你嗰盆又唔係好大咋喎
回復 newbie 2009-3-13 22:03
Dalki's: 吓~佢咁多靚花賣嘅?我未去搵呀, 要返工嘛! 睇吓哩兩日有冇時間去啦! 不過我有個朋友話見過D籃蝴蝶好大盆架, 怕我屋企放唔落~唉~搞到我都唔知買唔買好!但我見你嗰
藍蝴蝶個盆有成呎多架(直徑) but dont go now la.. most the nice flowers MOVED to victoria park flower show... this 矮牽牛 actually they are suppose to put on the van and move to flower show, 我手快 get it back hehee
回復 mimi 2009-3-13 22:35
回復 newbie 2009-3-13 23:01
mimi: [em:24:究竟係乜野花?好靚呀!
thanks. 矮牽牛 ... I think ^^
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