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青蛙仔種椒 :)

熱度 3上傳於 2011-5-30 22:12 (520 KB)

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回復 biru 2011-6-9 12:06
回復 Juna 2011-6-9 16:22
有冇肥佢架? 我諗住結果會食, 唔敢落化肥....
回復 newbie 2011-6-9 22:47
Juna: 有冇肥佢架? 我諗住結果會食, 唔敢落化肥....
when very small baby gave some but that fat is not chemical ga :)
回復 Juna 2011-6-9 23:30
newbie: when very small baby gave some but that fat is not chemical ga :)
回復 newbie 2011-6-9 23:59
biru: 哇!細細個盆都有咁多果!勁!
10Q 10Q :)
回復 biru 2011-6-10 21:53
newbie: 10Q 10Q :)
the pot is 6" or 8"? just sow some pepper seeds too hope it's not too late...
回復 newbie 2011-6-11 12:30
biru: the pot is 6" or 8"? just sow some pepper seeds too hope it's not too late...
i think only 6" :) good luck and add oil la ^^
回復 biru 2011-6-12 09:52
newbie: i think only 6" :) good luck and add oil la ^^
wow~ only 6" n still many fruits! i try try sin~ thanks~
回復 newbie 2011-6-12 16:38
biru: wow~ only 6" n still many fruits! i try try sin~ thanks~
OPS .. I THINK ONLY 4" heheee .. 剛剛比好心人收養左啦:)
原來另一棵係紅椒 hehee
回復 biru 2011-6-12 22:33
saw it! did u put two plants in a pot?
回復 newbie 2011-6-14 00:47
biru: saw it! did u put two plants in a pot?
put 3 hahaaa
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