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金脈酢醬草 @ 24 feb 2011

熱度 3上傳於 2011-2-25 07:58 (121 KB)

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回復 小Con子 2011-3-2 16:51
D葉紋幾靚喎    種咗幾耐?
回復 newbie 2011-3-2 16:54
小Con子: D葉紋幾靚喎      種咗幾耐?
i bought this 2 years ago ..... after sometimes disappeared  .. when i came back to hk last month,  i saw it again hahahaaa
回復 小Con子 2011-3-2 17:03
newbie: i bought this 2 years ago ..... after sometimes disappeared  .. when i came back to hk last month,  i saw it again hahahaaa
你走佢唔開心 so disappeared  
佢知你返咗嚟 so grow again
回復 newbie 2011-3-2 17:05
小Con子: 你走佢唔開心 so disappeared  
佢知你返咗嚟 so grow again
maybe la .. so which one u want ah ??
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